There’s only one reason you’re not getting clients, and THIS is it…

There’s only one reason you’re not getting clients, and THIS is it…

If you don’t have clients right now, or you don’t have as many as you’d like, I’m willing to bet that this is the reason why: YOU’RE LOOKING IN ALL THE WRONG PLACES. Sure, you’re probably looking on Facebook. You’re probably emailing your list. And you’re probably telling everyone in your family who will listen to you about what you do. But the clients just aren’t coming as fast and furious as you’d like. Here’s what you do: Step #1: Believe SO many women skip this step and that is such a huge mistake because I truly believe that if you skip it, you will not ever hit the level of success that you want. So - first things first - you need to believe in yourself. You need to believe that you have what it takes to live the life you want. That you are worth the amount of money you charge. That you’re good at what you do. Success is 99% inner work, and part of that inner work is the belief that the life you want is MEANT for you. Step #2: Clarity Make sure you know EXACTLY who you want to be working with and how you can help them. Get super, super clear on who this person is. Then, brainstorm ways to find her/him. Where do they hang out? Online? Offline? Facebook - pages or groups? Which ones? What hashtags do they follow on Twitter and Instagram? What are their favourite Periscope accounts? What blogs do they read? Come up with a list of places your ideal client is spending time and then GO...