My dirty little secret about Facebook Groups…

My dirty little secret about Facebook Groups…

Have you ever sat down to write a post on Facebook (because you’re supposed to be posting in there multiple times a day, ya know) and your mind just goes blank? I mean completely blank. You’ve got nothing. So you close your laptop and say “I’ll do it later”. Or worse, you start browsing Facebook for “inspiration” and come up for air hours later, still with nothing to post about (unless your peeps want to know about baby goats wearing pajamas or the 5 dead giveaways you’re afraid of spiders). Let me blow your mind for a second - writing Facebook posts does NOT need to be such a struggle. In fact, writing Facebook posts can be easy and take minimal time and effort with this one simple trick. Insert the Weekly Facebook List (my dirty little secret). Try this: Every week (ideally on a Sunday), sit down and write out a list of 30+ different Facebook post ideas (3-5 posts per day, plus some extras). Then, each morning, pull 3-5 of the ideas from that list and you can either write them throughout the day, or write them all first thing in the morning and then copy and paste them into Facebook groups throughout the day. Stumped on what to add to your list? Here are some ideas: Questions, questions, questions. Any questions at all. Just make them REALLY easy to answer. Behind the scenes photos of you working on your business (your laptop, your to-do list, your morning coffee, whatever). A vulnerable story that you’re almost too scared to post (but post it anyway, people love to...