by Cassie Howard | Jul 6, 2016 | Business Basics |
I’ve always known I was born to be a millionaire, a billionaire, a motherfucking legend, but I used to think it was selfish of me to talk about how much money I want, what I want to buy, what I want to do. I used to BELIEVE that it was RUDE of me to make more money than others. I often felt that I was stealing from others just by making a great living. And let me just be clear – A “great living” a few years ago was $100,000 in sales, 1/10 of that being my profit, most of the time. A “great living” last year was $250,000 in sales. A “great living” this year is $400,000 in sales and climbing. A “great living” for you may look the same or way different. But stealing, I was not. I was HELPING my community. I was giving value. I was sharing what they needed to hear from me. Many of them got massive results. But at the end of the day, I still felt like I should be, in some way punished for loving money so much. For focusing on the sale all the time. For asking for the sale, day after day. I got over that, clearly, because I know just how important money is and how I can impact the world in a much bigger way if I have MORE MONEY. So I am now not ashamed to say – I love the money I crave the money I can’t get enough of the money And I am going to do some pretty epic things with my money. ...