by Cassie Howard | Jul 9, 2016 | Making Money |
I’m DONE allowing others to control my feelings. I’m DONE letting someone else tell me what is possible. I’m DONE ignoring my own desires, no matter how crazy they may seem to another person. I’m DONE indulging in the opinions of others. I’m DONE being ridiculed for what I want, how I think, who I am. I won’t let another person push me over the edge of uncertainty. I will make my own decisions based on my intuition, my gut, my CORE. I won’t let someone tear me down because I spent money on myself instead of saving it. Saving it for what? What the fuck am I saving it for? For when I’m old and gray and retired and BORED AS FUCK? No thank you. I’m going to live my life NOW. I’m smart with my money, of course. I won’t neglect paying for or investing in things that are necessary, such as food for my family, a roof over our heads, and items my kids need to thrive. I won’t neglect what’s important. I will also not neglect what my core desires are, which are ABSOLUTELY important. Not now, not ever. I am more important than ANYONE. Yes, even more important than my husband, even more important than my kids. I AM #1 IN MY LIFE. And if I am taken care of, my desires are met, my soul is on fire, then I am so much more able to take incredible care of my family. But I come first. Always. I’m sure that sounds selfish to some, and sure, maybe I am selfish. But I am...