What I realized about my own life and the way I was living it –

What I realized about my own life and the way I was living it –

IT’S NOT ALL ABOUT YOU! YOU HAVE A JOB TO DO. If you think that your life is all about you, you’re mistaken.  You were put on this earth for a reason. You have a job to do. A message to share. Lives to change. I never grew up thinking I wanted to change the world. To make a difference. I just wanted to me, to do my own thing. But then I grew up, got my shit together, and realized I DO want to change the world. I want to rule the fucking world and make an impact in the lives of millions, if not BILLIONS.  I want to give to the poor. I want to help those without a voice.I want to share the value of healthy living.I want to solve financial problems for everyone. I want to CHANGE THINGS. I share my message every day because I want people to know just how easy change can be. With one simple tweak, with one new addition or subtraction from your life, you can be living as a completely NEW and improved person. You see, we can all change lives with our words and our actions.  And that is why you were born. To CHANGE LIVES. To change the world. To make a difference. You can! You will! You must!  You weren’t put on this Earth to spend 8 hours a day at a job you hate, come home and eat dinner, watch TV until you pass out, and then wake up do it all over again, living for weekends and vacations. Using sick days as fun days just because...