What’s up with all the HUSTLE talk?

What’s up with all the HUSTLE talk?

People that hate the word HUSTLE are usually broke or on their way there, and what they REALLY don’t understand about us hustlers is that we work our asses off because we want to.  We live for the hustle. The hustle gives us LIFE. And if you aren’t successful right now, or you aren’t where you want to be, it’s simply because you aren’t hustling hard enough.  Hustle hard and get rewarded, but only if you’re consistent with it.  It’s not enough to just have a “good” day where you get lots of shit done, and then you take off for a few days before returning. No, you need to be on your hustle game, all day, every day.  There is no other way around it. And let me just be clear, you don’t HAVE to hustle all the time to make money. You can hustle some of the time and make “okay” money. You may even be able to scale up to a six-figure business, but believe this –  You will NEVER, EVER grow beyond that if you aren’t willing to do the hustle day in and day out until the day you die.  It really is that simple. I don’t know a single high-achieving entrepreneur that DOESN’T hustle all the time. I really don’t. And the reason they can work so much is because they want the fucking RESULTS. Not where you want to be? Hustle harder. Now, before I go any further, I want to point out one thing –  Hustle will not work if you aren’t hustling on the RIGHT things.  What I mean by that...


People tend to go crazy with the launching, sometimes taking MONTHS to launch one program. The planning that goes into that kind of a launch makes me want to scream. Why the hell would you spend weeks or MONTHS planning something you can just do today, right now? 🏻 I hate to break it to you, but no matter how long you plan your launch, it will NOT be perfect. You will make mistakes. You will screw up. You will lose or miss sales. It happens no matter how you launch, so you might as well save yourself some time and ditch the long launch. It’s just NOT necessary. Plus, people don’t want to see you promote the same shit over and over again. It’s boring as hell and I swear, if I have to see you promoting the same thing more than 3 days in a row, I will block your ass. The thing about launching is that it’s something that needs to be done regularly to make the most money. Taking months to prep for ONE launch is costing you a boatload of cash. If you’ve been in my community for any length of time, you’ve likely noticed that I launch new offers AT LEAST once a week and I am quick to ditch an offer that sucks or isn’t working. There’s one reason I do this and one reason alone: THE MORE YOU SELL, THE MORE MONEY YOU MAKE I can make the same amount of money from 3 offers in 3 weeks than many do with their 1 big offer they plan for a month...


I’m so sick of seeing crappy offers posted in my Facebook group (and elsewhere). They’re boring, they’re stale, and the sound of desperation is SO obvious (and frankly pretty sad). I know you put lots of time and effort into your program or course or whatever it is you’re selling. I know you know it’s awesome. I know you know your people need it. I know you priced it well. So why isn’t it selling? Because it’s completely and utterly BORING and no one buys boring. Knowing how to create offers that sell is CRUCIAL if you want to make money. You can’t mess around with this stuff. I launch at least 1 new offer a week (often more) and I rarely have issues selling them out completely. That $75K last month wasn’t because I got lucky. It’s because I know how to create offers my community wants and I know how to sell to them! It’s not hard. In fact, it’s really really easy, and once you get the hang of doing this a few times, you can sell tomatoes to a tomato farmer, that’s how good you’ll...
I’m absolutely 100% DONE with this

I’m absolutely 100% DONE with this

I’m DONE allowing others to control my feelings. I’m DONE letting someone else tell me what is possible. I’m DONE ignoring my own desires, no matter how crazy they may seem to another person. I’m DONE indulging in the opinions of others. I’m DONE being ridiculed for what I want, how I think, who I am. I won’t let another person push me over the edge of uncertainty. I will make my own decisions based on my intuition, my gut, my CORE. I won’t let someone tear me down because I spent money on myself instead of saving it. Saving it for what? What the fuck am I saving it for? For when I’m old and gray and retired and BORED AS FUCK? No thank you. I’m going to live my life NOW. I’m smart with my money, of course. I won’t neglect paying for or investing in things that are necessary, such as food for my family, a roof over our heads, and items my kids need to thrive. I won’t neglect what’s important. I will also not neglect what my core desires are, which are ABSOLUTELY important. Not now, not ever. I am more important than ANYONE. Yes, even more important than my husband, even more important than my kids. I AM #1 IN MY LIFE. And if I am taken care of, my desires are met, my soul is on fire, then I am so much more able to take incredible care of my family. But I come first. Always. I’m sure that sounds selfish to some, and sure, maybe I am selfish. But I am...


I’ve always known I was born to be a millionaire, a billionaire, a motherfucking legend, but I used to think it was selfish of me to talk about how much money I want, what I want to buy, what I want to do.  I used to BELIEVE that it was RUDE of me to make more money than others. I often felt that I was stealing from others just by making a great living.  And let me just be clear –  A “great living” a few years ago was $100,000 in sales, 1/10 of that being my profit, most of the time.  A “great living” last year was $250,000 in sales. A “great living” this year is $400,000 in sales and climbing.  A “great living” for you may look the same or way different. But stealing, I was not. I was HELPING my community. I was giving value. I was sharing what they needed to hear from me.  Many of them got massive results. But at the end of the day, I still felt like I should be, in some way punished for loving money so much. For focusing on the sale all the time. For asking for the sale, day after day.  I got over that, clearly, because I know just how important money is and how I can impact the world in a much bigger way if I have MORE MONEY.  So I am now not ashamed to say –  I love the money I crave the money I can’t get enough of the money And I am going to do some pretty epic things with my money. ...