How I added THOUSANDS of leads to my list

How I added THOUSANDS of leads to my list

I used to think that all I needed to be successful online was amazing content.  You know the whole “when you show up, they will find you” type of belief. It took me years to realize that I needed to do more than be amazing and give great value. You can’t just put out fantastic content, give value, show up, be visibile –  That’s part of it, yes. But you also have to make sure you actually put yourself IN FRONT of your people. Because no, they will not find you on their own.  I don’t care how amazing your content is. If I don’t know who you are, I’m not buying shit from you.  Want to get rich? Get famous? Make an impact? Then you need to SHOW UP on purpose. What I mean by that is that you need to do whatever it takes to be in front of as many people as possible, all the time. Yes, numbers matter. The bigger your audience, the bigger your bank account. It’s simple math.  We’re so damn lucky to be entrepreneurs in this day and age because we have the powerhouse that is social media. We don’t have to spend tens of thousands of dollars on a 30 second TV ad. Or multiple thousands for an ad in a shitty magazine that end up littering doctor’s offices. You can become a fucking star OVERNIGHT thanks to social media.  Yes, you need to have talent. Yes, you need to be amazing at what you do. And yes, you need to consistently get up and grund every day. But with social media...