6 reasons no one is paying attention to you (and what to do to change that)

6 reasons no one is paying attention to you (and what to do to change that)

You know your stuff is good. You know you provice exceptional value.You know your people need you.  But you can’t seem to get people to listen to you when you speak. You’re lacking in likes, in comments, in shares, in messages, in emails, in tweets, in… well, you get the idea.  You’re invisible and here’s why –  1. You’re inconsistentWant to know a good way to get people to ignore you? Show up only periodcially. Better yet, don’t show up at all!  If you want people to remember you, follow you, like you, BUY from you, then you need to show up and be in their face ALL.THE.TIME. I’m talking day in and day out, without fail, no excuses. 2. All you do is sellPeople want to know that you have something of value to give them, and you’re not gonna get that across just by simply yelling BUY MY STUFF at the top of your lungs. I’m sure your paid stuff is great, but no one is going to know that unless you give them a taste. Remember this: every time you sell, give valuable, FREE content first! This is one of the best ways to land the sale (plus, you won’t ever feel “salesy” again! 3. You’re not an expertHave you PROVEN to people that you’re a pro at what you do? If you’re feeling invisible, then no, you likely haven’t.  The best way to show others that you’re the best is to simply BE the best. Constantly be LEARNING and implementing. Every day be sharing these things and putting them into practice. Share your results and teach others. ...