I bet you can’t answer this question about your life –

I bet you can’t answer this question about your life –

WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU ACTUALLY WANT FROM LIFE ANYWAY? I think the biggest thing that fucks with the heads of so many people is what the hell they actually want out of life. You think you know, but do you REALLY know what would actually make you happy? I want you to do a quick exercise for me right now. Go grab a pen and paper. Write down everything you want to be, do and have in your life. Think as if there is no chance of failure. If a magic genie said he was going to grant all of your wishes right now, if you just simply tell himexactly what you want - anything and everything. Here’s mine –  I would travel the world in my private jet multiple times a year with my family, friends and my team, simply exploring, and also to share my message with as many people as possible I would give speeches to huge audiences that pay thousands to come and hear me speak I would live near water and wake up seeing water from my bedroom window (and all around my home, really) I would be a big name in the animal rights community, volunteering both time and money to improve the lives of animals everywhere I would have a family that supported me, trusted me, pushed me and fought for me, without questioning my sanity (they should know I’m not at all sane by this point!) I would only spend time doing exactly what I loved doing and nothing more I would look, live and feel like the multi-millionaire I know...