Letting go of the dead weight + how to make money EVERY day

Letting go of the dead weight + how to make money EVERY day

There comes a time when we must ruthlessly get rid of everyone and every thing that isn’t serving us. In fact, this really needs to happen on a regular basis and I’ve just now decided that this is something I’m going to do every month.  Because fuck –  It feels so damn good to let go of the baggage! Whether it’s cutting loose a pain in the ass client, deleting all those old photos from your computer because they are SO off brand, or purging your email list of those who never open a single email. It’s important to constantly let go of the dead weight following you around so you can focus on who you truly LOVE to serve and what you love doing, who you want to be around, and everything in between. Not only does this make life that much more fun, but it makes YOU that much more fun to be around! It makes business easy, it makes living easy, it makes the hustle easy. There is a common belief that the more people you have in your community, the better. And this is true - somewhat.  The more TRULY IDEAL people you have in your community, the better. Those that speak your truth, resonate with your message and act JUST LIKE YOU, who essentially ARE you in another body, THAT is when you’ve succeeded.  Those are the people you want in your tribe. You don’t want the followers that never take action You don’t want the people that challenge you You don’t want those that question everything you say You don’t want the whiners, the...
How often you should be selling and HOW –

How often you should be selling and HOW –

Do you want to get paid for what you know? For who you are? For what you deserve? Then you better get used to selling! I’ve heard from so many people that they don’t want to sell “too much” because they’re afraid their community will think they’re –  Too salesy Too pushy Too annoying Too desperate I used to believe this crap too, for way too long, and my income reflected this.  Now, as I sell all day, every single day, unapologetically, I make so much more money that people are still shocked when they hear me say the numbers out loud. And I’m not even close to where I want to be yet, so WATCH OUT! My point is this –  If you want to make more, you need to sell more.  But at the same time, give VALUE when you sell. You can’t just show up every day and constantly shout at people to “buy my thing, buy my thing, buy my thing!”, because that, in fact, IS salesy, pushy, annoying and comes off as very desperate. Instead, what you want to do, is along with you SELLING all day long, you’re also giving VALUE all day long.  Any type of free content you can put out there, you need to do it. Daily. No excuses. Blog posts Emails Videos Podcast episodes Interviews Snapchat & Instagram Stories Twitter tweet Pinterest pin Instagram photo or video Content is KING, it’s always been king, it will always be king. Which means you need to make it a priority every single day. I schedule a minimum of 15-20 minutes a day...
The right mindset – it’s what you’re missing

The right mindset – it’s what you’re missing

Everything you have received up until this point was brought on by you.   Whether good or bad, you received what you believed you deserved to have. It’s all about the mindset, baby! If you think you’re going to have a long day, the day will be long. If you think you’re going to lose money, you’ll lose money. If you think you’re going to be tired and sluggish all day, then guess how you’re going to feel - tired and sluggish! But on the other hand –  If you think you’re going to be fired up and excited all day, you’ll be fired up and excited all day. If you think you’re going to make a fuckton of money, you’ll make a fuckton of money. If you think things will be easy and fun, things will be easy and fun. But –  And here’s the kicker –  You have to believe that this is what’s going on in your head. You have to know that YOU determine how your day, your life, will go. If you don’t believe that deep down, then this will not work for you and you will just continue to be a negative blob the rest of your life. Until you wake up Until you splash some water in your face and OWN it And be the person you were meant to be And have the things you want to have And make the impact you want to make And live life on your terms, unapologetically.  This happens when you allow yourself to let go. When you allow yourself to just BE. And to...
The real reason I couldn’t get out of bed yesterday…

The real reason I couldn’t get out of bed yesterday…

You know those days where you don’t want to get out of bed? Where everything feels like a struggle and all you want to do is cry? Where you are constantly asking yourself “what’s the point?”? That was me yesterday.  After an amazing week filled with women who just GET me, who understand the way I hustle, who love the way I do the work, I came home to people who didn’t seem to miss me all that much. Who didn’t care how amazing my week had been. I was home now, and so can you do this for me? Can you help me with this? Can you do that over there?  Ahhh, home life. I forgot how much I was in demand here. I forgot how much most people in my life just don’t GET me or how I do things.  And so my amazing week ended the second I walked in the front door at home. And then yesterday I just felt sorry for myself and wasted an entire day sulking in bed. This morning I woke up with a fire in my belly and I was ready to kick some serious ass again. I guess I just needed to have that one off day. Because if I’m being honest, I don’t have those days often. A few times a year, they happen, but most of the time, I am ON. 100% on. All the way on. I push through the hard stuff, I do the work anyway. I don’t let anything stop me. And that’s the real message here. There will be times when you don’t wanna...
Fuck apologies.

Fuck apologies.

I’m here in Kelowna, BC to support my friend Chantelle, who is hosting her Shine Live event and have h,ad lots of conversations with the women here and one thing that has come up a few times already is that Canadians are always “so nice”. I’ve never understood this, because I’ve always felt the opposite! We do say “sorry” a lot, though. That I will admit! I actually paid close attention all day yesterday, with all of the interactions I had with people, to see if I could get them to say sorry, even for something that was my fault. Yep. Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry. Fuck, we ARE nice!  So I guess that’s a good thing.  But what IS NOT a good thing, is apologizing for things you’re not really sorry for. And this can really be said for ANYONE who is an over-apologizer, Canadian or not. STOP apologizing for things you’re not, or you SHOULDN’T BE, sorry for! Stop apologizing for making money Stop apologizing for saying no Stop apologizing for buying yourself something Stop apologizing for asking for help Stop apologizing for disagreeing with someone  Stop apologizing for calling someone out on their shit Stop apologizing for changing your mind FUCK APOLOGIES. You’re a badass bitch that can stand her ground, that has strong beliefs, that has a big opinion that you know MATTERS. You’re at the top of your class, you do what it takes to become BIG, a huge star in your industry. But you’re apologizing. And you need to stop. Your life is meant to be lived and loved by YOU, no one else,...