7 ways you’re stopping yourself from making more money

7 ways you’re stopping yourself from making more money

The biggest thing I’ve learned while on this 2-week trip is that it takes a lot of fucking courage, willpower and determination to show up every day and do what it takes to get the results that you want. Many days I’ve slept in (damn you, jet-lag!)A lot of the time our days were packed with outingsFor 4 days I couldn’t get internet access unless I was at our rental (but not if we were out of the house)I drank way too much beer and had the first bad hangover in years There have been days I wanted to say “fuck it, I’m not working”. Many days I was too tired and even too busy to do everything I needed to do.  But I’m a hustler. And not only that, but I LOVE what I do, which makes things a bit easier. 😉  And in the end, I know that if I don’t show up and do the work every day, if I self-sabbotage in any way, then I will be pissed at myself, stop making money, and overall just be a very unhappy person. And another thing I’ve learned is that there are certain things I have been doing that most definitely have been stopping me from making money. Once I realized what they were and stopped doing them, money started to flow freely again. And since I love ya so much, I thought I’d share witb you. 🙂 7 THINGS YOU’RE DOING RIGHT NOW THAT ARE STOPPING YOU FROM MAKING MORE MONEY 1. You’re being realistic.Stop thinking so small! If you dream big, and you work for big,...