Letting go of the dead weight + how to make money EVERY day

Letting go of the dead weight + how to make money EVERY day

There comes a time when we must ruthlessly get rid of everyone and every thing that isn’t serving us. In fact, this really needs to happen on a regular basis and I’ve just now decided that this is something I’m going to do every month.  Because fuck –  It feels so damn good to let go of the baggage! Whether it’s cutting loose a pain in the ass client, deleting all those old photos from your computer because they are SO off brand, or purging your email list of those who never open a single email. It’s important to constantly let go of the dead weight following you around so you can focus on who you truly LOVE to serve and what you love doing, who you want to be around, and everything in between. Not only does this make life that much more fun, but it makes YOU that much more fun to be around! It makes business easy, it makes living easy, it makes the hustle easy. There is a common belief that the more people you have in your community, the better. And this is true - somewhat.  The more TRULY IDEAL people you have in your community, the better. Those that speak your truth, resonate with your message and act JUST LIKE YOU, who essentially ARE you in another body, THAT is when you’ve succeeded.  Those are the people you want in your tribe. You don’t want the followers that never take action You don’t want the people that challenge you You don’t want those that question everything you say You don’t want the whiners, the...