How to cultivate a SUCCESS mindset

How to cultivate a SUCCESS mindset

If someone were to ask me what helped me the most when it came to making more money and getting more visibility in my business, I would hands down say THIS –  Cultivating a success mindset. Sure, lots of other things helped –  MentorsStrategyKnowledgeConnectionsCommunity It all helped. Everything.  But nothing –  And I mean NOTHING –  Helped me more than cultivating a SUCCESS mindset.  Learning how, and then DOING. Implementing. Consistently, every day.  If where you are right now is not where you want to be, then start paying attention to your thoughts. What do you think about while you’re working? What do you think about first thing in the morning and right before you go to bed? What do you think about when the world is silent and you aren’t doing anything but sitting in solitude? What’s on your MIND? I’m willing to bet that one thing is worry. You’re worried you won’t make your mortgage payment again this month, or that you’ll have to pay for expenses on another credit card, or you’ll have to ask your parents for a loan AGAIN, or you won’t be able to make the investments in your business you know you need to make.  Worry will hold you back.Worry will keep you stuck.Worry will never allow you to move forward and be successful. I’m not saying you should never worry about anything. We’re human and we DO have these emotions. But the quicker you move OUT of that worry and focus on something more helpful, the better your life and your business will be.  Every day I focus on cultivating a success...
15 ways to massively grow your income

15 ways to massively grow your income

Let’s get right to it, shall we? No messing around. 15 WAYS TO MASSIVELY GROW YOUR INCOME  Here we go… 1. Work more, work harder.It’s simple. If you want to make more money, you need to work harder, and work way more. Want more cash in the bank? Put in the work. 2. Sell more (a lot more).Don’t be afraid to sell your services every single day, multiple times a day. As long as you are giving vaule/free content AND selling, people will buy.  3. Raise your prices.Stop working for pennies and raise your prices to a place where they actually feel good to you. If you’re not happy and confident with your prices, you’ll have a hard time making sales and getting clients. 4. Work on your mindset, clear money blocks.Don’t allow a negative mindset stop you from increasing your impact and the income you make. Make it a daily habit to work on improving your mindset and clearing any type of money blocks you may have. (And if mindset stuff is confusing to you, find a mentor that can help you with it.) 5. Follow up with potential clients.This should be on your “to-do” list every single day of the week, no excuses. People aren’t going to remember to buy from you all the time, you need to remind them. So follow up with people who have shown an interest in working with you in some way. 6. Create new offers regularly.Stop it with the long, drawn-out launch plans! Not only is it completely unnecessary, but it’s stopping you from making more money, simply because you’re so...
Feeling jealous and comparing yourself to others? Try this –

Feeling jealous and comparing yourself to others? Try this –

Have you ever watched someone from afar and been jealous about how well they seem to be doing? Have you stalked them on social media, making yourself ill, by comparing them to you and you to them? Have you questioned everything you’re doing or have done, because this other person isn’t doing it, so maybe you’re wrong? I used to look at anyone and everyone who seemed to be “ahead” of me, and I would try to mimic (not copy) what they were doing, I would try similar speech patterns, I would use the same sales strategies, I would even create similar offers, all because I thought that if they were having success doing it, that I needed to do it, too. But this rarely ever worked. Because I was comparing my beginning to their middle. Of course they were doing better than me, they had been at it longer! They had more practice, they had failed more, they had tried more.  I knew that my jealousy wasn’t helping me, but instead, making things worse. I wasn’t able to grow my business as quickly as I wanted to because I was, honestly, trying to be a bunch of other people melded into one. I wasn’t being myself.  We all get jealous. It’s a normal human emotion. But what you do with this jealousy is what you want to pay attention to.  I always say that jealousy is actually a GOOD thing, because it gives you confirmation that something is meant for you. Jealous of someones new home? You’re meant for something similar. Jealous of the $100K months so-and-so is...
The one thing other coaches won’t tell you about “working smarter” (but I will)

The one thing other coaches won’t tell you about “working smarter” (but I will)

Question for you. When you don’t know how to make things happen in your business, who do you ask?Yourself?Your mentor?Do you scour the internet for some type of training that will finally get you the damn clarity you’re searching for? Or do you just decide? I’ve always believed in trusting your gut, in doing what just feels like the right thing to do.  I never ask myself “what should I do?”, I don’t ask anyone for their opinions, I don’t even usually ask for feedback most of the time. I just DO. Seriously. If you can’t figure out what to do, just TRY SOMETHING! Although I do believe in the power of having a mentor by your side, I believe even more in just doing whatever the hell you want to do. Ignore the rules, ignore what everyone else is doing, what they all say is “right”.  There are only a few people on this planet that I take advice from, and even their advice doesn’t truly MATTER if I don’t feel like the advice they’re giving is what I was thinking about doing anyway. Never having someone hold my hand, not letting them, fuck being LED by anyone. I’m a rebel, and I’m also a bit of a know it all bitch that will do whatever the fuck I want to do, regardless of what you say, think, or WANT me to do. Let’s be real here. I don’t play by the rules, ever. Don’t care who’s sharing them with me, I always do what I want. BUT –  Having a mentor has changed things for me HUGE....
7 ways you’re stopping yourself from making more money

7 ways you’re stopping yourself from making more money

The biggest thing I’ve learned while on this 2-week trip is that it takes a lot of fucking courage, willpower and determination to show up every day and do what it takes to get the results that you want. Many days I’ve slept in (damn you, jet-lag!)A lot of the time our days were packed with outingsFor 4 days I couldn’t get internet access unless I was at our rental (but not if we were out of the house)I drank way too much beer and had the first bad hangover in years There have been days I wanted to say “fuck it, I’m not working”. Many days I was too tired and even too busy to do everything I needed to do.  But I’m a hustler. And not only that, but I LOVE what I do, which makes things a bit easier. 😉  And in the end, I know that if I don’t show up and do the work every day, if I self-sabbotage in any way, then I will be pissed at myself, stop making money, and overall just be a very unhappy person. And another thing I’ve learned is that there are certain things I have been doing that most definitely have been stopping me from making money. Once I realized what they were and stopped doing them, money started to flow freely again. And since I love ya so much, I thought I’d share witb you. 🙂 7 THINGS YOU’RE DOING RIGHT NOW THAT ARE STOPPING YOU FROM MAKING MORE MONEY 1. You’re being realistic.Stop thinking so small! If you dream big, and you work for big,...