by Cassie Howard | Jan 24, 2017 | Making Money |
Let me guess – You’re behind on your money goals for the month again, right? Why does this keep happening? Why do you keep setting goals but never hitting them? I’ll tell you why – Because you don’t actually WANT to hit them. Yep. That’s it. That’s what’s holding you back. I’m willing to bet my bank account balance on it. 😉 You, are full of excuses. You’re full of reasons why it didn’t happen. Except all of those excuses and all of those reasons are complete and utter bullshit. Oh, you didn’t FEEL like it? You were sick? You were tired? You were overwhelmed? You had 838732 other commitments? You didn’t gave the time? Give me a break. You just didn’t want it bad enough. You can THINK you wanted it as much as you want, but you know damn well that if that was REALLY true, you would have done it. Right? So let’s figure out why you keep holding yourself back. WHAT IS IT YOU REALLY, TRULY WANT? Get out your journal and write down every single thing that you want in life. The physical items, the relationships the mindset, the body, the health, the experiences, the lifestyle – Write it ALL down. Remember that NOTHING is off limits. You can list as many things as you want. I think I have about 50 things on my list! One thing to keep in mind: Write down these things as if they’ve already happened. For example: I own and live in my dream home on the beach I always travel first class and love every minute of my...