by Cassie Howard | Jan 20, 2017 | Business Basics |
There is something that you really need to hear right now: You are enough. You are enough. You are enough. Stop trying to be perfect. Stop trying to get it all “right”. Stop trying to do everything in the “right order”, whatever that means. What? You think you needa big, fancy business plan to move forward? To chase your dreams (and catch them)? First, your ideal client avatar Then your website Then your packages You’ll follow the plan that THEY laid out for you And THEN you’ll be ready? Is that what you’re telling me? Just admit it – You’re scared – That you’ll fall – Flat on your face. Right? I’ll tell you right now that YES, you WILL fall flat on your face. More than once. And whether you believe me or not, that really is a GOOD thing because it teaches you a lesson. It teaches you what NOT to do the next time. And what’s worse than a couple of spills and falls is never trying at all because you’re worried about the damn faceplant. Those falls will make you stronger. Those falls will teach you lessons that you need to learn. Those falls are NECESSARY for you to grow. Nothing happens by accident. It happens based on your thoughts and actions. (Yes, YOU control the future!) So if you think that you’ll fail, you will. If you think you’ll stumble, you will. If you think that bad things will happen to you when you take a risk, they will. But if you try anway? Despite the fear? If you go into every situation with...
by Cassie Howard | Jan 19, 2017 | Planning |
Admit it – You’ve been questioning yourself lately. Questioning your decisions, questioning your actions, even questioning the way you FEEL about your decisions and actions! You’ve been setting big goals and not achieving them. Why? Not because their unattainable, no. But because you haven’t trully allowed yourself to achieve them. Something inside of you is holding you back. And I’m willing to bet it’s that lack of belief in yourself. Isn’t it? You think that you’re not good enough That people won’t listen to you That you don’t have anything interesting to say That this is too hard, and what if you fail, and OMG what would you do then? That feeling of not believing? It’s not gonna go away no matter what you choose to do with your life. Not until you decide to have other thoughts and feelings instead! You see, it’s as simple as this – YOU get to decide how your life goes. So why the fuck are you asking other people for approval? Why are you waiting for someone else to give you a pat on the back and say you’re doing great and to keep going? Does that really matter? What anyone else thinks? Do you want to make your OWN decisions and live your own life, on YOUR terms? Do you? Then step up, do the work, and MAKE IT HAPPEN. Right now. Today. There is no tomorrow. There are no second chances. This is your life NOW; no waiting! When you think about it, about the life you REALLY want, are you really doing EVERYTHING you can to make that a...
by Cassie Howard | Jan 18, 2017 | Blogging |
Do you know why most people roll their eyes when you tell them you’re an entrepreneur? Because phony entrepreneurs give entrepreneurship a bad name. They are not TRUE entrepreneurs, which means they consistently fail at everything they do, over and over, because they’re just not cut out to be an entrepreneur. And THAT’S OKAY. We weren’t all born to be awesome.
So when people hear the term “entrepreneur”, unless they’re a true entrepreneur themselves, they believe the word “entrepreneur” is another word for “unemployed”. Which is annoyoing as fuck, but I digress.. I’m so sick of the phonies, the pretenders, the wannabes, totally messing with my vibe on this. I am begging them to shut their trap and STOP saying they’re an entrepreneur when in reality, they are far from one. Please stop saying you’re an entrepreneur. You’re not! UNLESS – YOU LIVE FOR THE HUSTLE Nothing makes you jump out of bed faster than knowing you get to work on making your dreams come true. You LOVE not just the results, but you love the PROCESS as well. You love the hustle, the grind, and getting what you want by being super proactive. You’re happiest when you’re working. Even though you’ve TRIED to be a “normal” person and do the things you “should” do, you can’t focus. You just want to get back to the hustle. This is the #1 feeling that all TRUE entrepreneurs have about their life. YOU HATE TO “TAKE IT EASY” AND “RELAX” Here’s a great way to piss us off: tell us to take it easy, have a break, relax, or any...
by Cassie Howard | Jan 17, 2017 | Making Money |
$750,000 in cash. That’s how much I made in less than 2 years from my business. My “itty-bitty” little coaching business that “won’t go anywhere”, according to the many people I sought support from. $750,000 cash received. And the majority of that? Came from social media. Of course, there was some skill involved in making that amount of money in such a short period of time. I kind of needed to know about the industry I was going into. Luckily I have over 11 years of experience there.
But other than knowing my shit about business, I didn’t know much of anything. I didn’t know what an “ideal client avatar” was I didn’t know anything about the coaching industry I didn’t know how to sell, yet alone sell ALL THE TIME I didn’t know how to write (or so I thought( I didn’t know how to stand out in a crowded space But what I did know? Social media. I KNOW how powerful it is I KNOW how huge it is I KNOW how much of an impact it can have I KNOW that it can, in all seriousness, change your life forever In my last online business, I grew my Facebook page to over 40,000 likes, with minimal advertising. I grew my Facebook Group to over 20,000 with a tiny little link on my website. I grew my Twitter account to over 5,000 followers with ZERO promotion! And the bulk of the money I made from that business came from – You guessed it – Those social media accounts! In fact, I don’t think I really ever...
by Cassie Howard | Jan 16, 2017 | Planning |
I’ve noticed a trend. A trend where a bunch of people are super pumped up at the beginning of the year, eager to go after their goals, but then never REALLY pushing that hard to achieve them. They’re all “RAH RAH RAH I’M SO AMAZING” for the first 2 weeks of January, and then they start to fizzle out, like “fuck it, this is way too hard, I’ll set some more realistic goals instead”. And so thet do. Or they give up altogether and affirm that NEXT YEAR they’ll do it. Next year they’ll REALLY give it their all. But you and I know that’s a load of crap. Because if you REALLY wanted to do something, you’d do it now. You’d make it happen, regardless of how “unrealistic” it seems. So while just 2 weeks ago there was a lot of RAH RAH RAH-ING, there is now a lot of silence. Did you notice? If you were one of those people that went quiet, let me tell you this: Silence won’t make you more money Silence won’t make your life easier Silence won’t allow you to make a difference Silence won’t make you happy What will ACTUALLY happen is you will start to beat yourself up inside, give yourself shit about how you “suck” at this goal-setting stuff, maybe even try to make yourself feel better by throwing out all kinds of excuses as to why you gave up, why you slowed down, why you’re now questioning your abilities – And it will start to eat you alive. You will start to actually BELIEVE all of the negative...