by Cassie Howard | Apr 28, 2017 | Business Basics |
I was doing some journaling this morning around the kind of clients I want to work with. This is not an unusual thing for me, it’s something I journal on almost daily, really, but today I REALLY went deep with it and got super freakin’ clear on who I wanted to be working with. It was apparent to me that I was being really vague and general when it came to calling in my ideal clients. You know, that they paid their bills on time, they did the work, and they were fun to be around, kind of affirmations. Which is good. Great, even! But not enough. Because who I know I was born to serve is not just ANYONE. It’s a very, very SPECIFIC type of someone. I’ve worked with a lot of clients and I know, without a doubt, who I absolutely do NOT want to work with. Which means that I also know who I most definitely DO want to work with! And I noticed today that I wasn’t clearly calling them in. I wasn’t making it clear to the universe who exactly I’d like sent my way to support. This whole “getting clients” thing is really looked at in the wrong way by most people. To the majority, a new client = $$$. A new client doesn’t usually = a new friend. And if you’re focusing on the money instead of focusing on the relationship, then there’s a pretty good chance you’re gonna end up with someone you can’t stand, and then you have to suffer through working with them for an extended period of...
by Cassie Howard | Apr 27, 2017 | Business Basics |
THE ONLY REASON YOU QUIT – Is when you’re done. You give up. You forfeit. You just DON’T CARE anymore. That’s when it’s over. That’s when you can call a GAME OVER and move the fuck on. You don’t quit because you’re tired. My god, get over yourself. You think you’re the only person who’s tired? Do you really think you’re the only person on earth who has a kid that kept you up all night? That got sick and doesn’t feel 100%? That had a rough night and would prefer to sleep in? Welcome to adulthood! Shit happens! Life ain’t always raindows and unicorns. Sometimes you have bad days when all you want to do is SLEEP THE DAY AWAY. Get your ass up anyway. Don’t use that BS excuse about being tired. That is NOT a valid excuse to say no to your purpose. You don’t quit because you’re frustrated. Use that frustration and channel it into your work. I’m frustrated right now and instead of throwing my hands up in the air and yelling “fuck it!”, I’m writing this. Because content = release = flow = purpose. And it’s ALL ABOUT THE PURPOSE. What kind of leader would I be if I called it quits evert time I got frustrated? What kind of leader are YOU? You don’t get to quit because you don’t know something, or you think it’s complicated, or you’re not sure, or you’re confused. WHAT EVER You LEARN. You think you’re gonna know EVERYTHING? Really? You think we all wake up fucking geniuses that know ALL.OF.THE.THINGS? Incorrect, friend. We’re all (ALL) just...
by Cassie Howard | Apr 26, 2017 | Making Money |
It’s really simple when it comes down to it; making money, that is. I don’t understand why people have to complicate it so much and why money has such a huge negative association with it. Money is a tool. It’s something you can use a little or a lot of on whatever you choose to use it on. You can hoard it all (although that definitely won’t help you create more of it). You can spend it all (also not a wise decision). But the best thing to do? Is a bit of both. Saving is a good thing. But save with a fucking PURPOSE. Don’t just save for the sake of saving. What are you saving FOR? Are you saving for a new home? For your next business investment? For a personal investment? Spending is a good thing, too. But again, spend with a fucking PURPOSE. Don’t just spend for the sake of spending. Pay attention to what you’re spending money on. It should fall under one of the following categories: Personal development Business investment (mentorship, new business aquisition, investment property) Personal investment (stocks, bonds) Entertainment (including travel) Living (food, housing, healthcare, fitness) Debts If you focus on those areas when you spend money, you’ll be okay. Just make sure you don’t spend all of your cash on just a few of those categories. You should be putting money into EVERY SINGLE ONE of those categories each month! Every month! That is how you’ll be able to put your money to work for you and not just blow it on cool shit.
Money – It’s a tough...
by Cassie Howard | Apr 25, 2017 | Business Basics |
Sick of it doesn’t even come close to describing how I’m currently feeling in terms of EXCUSES. If one more person gives me an excuse about why they can’t do something they want to do or know they NEED to do, I think I may just blow the fuck up. Although maybe that’s kinda sorta what I’m doing right now, so perhaps I don’t need to hear any more.. I just can’t STAND when someone gives me an excuse. Can’t fucking BELIEVE it even. And I hear them mostly from top leaders online, those that say they have their shit together, those that tell everyone that they’re quick action-takers (even give their communities shit if THEY don’t take action quickly). And here they are, behind closed doors, listing off excuse after excuse about why they can’t be, do or have something that they want or need (or both!). And I’m flat out SICK OF THAT SHIT. To hell with you and your excuses about why you can’t wake up early. FUCK OFF. Really? You’re tired? Oh well boo freakin’ hoo, SO ARE THE REST OF US, yet we still get up anyway and do what we were born to do. And truthfully? We wouldn’t have it any other way. Suck it up! To hell with you and your excuses about why it’s so hard for you to make money. FUCK OFF. Want to know what’s ACTUALLY hard? Dealing with people like you! For fuck’s sake, how many times do I have to scream this before you will actually listen? MAKING MONEY IS REALLY FUCKING EASY. Stop making it so damn...
by Cassie Howard | Apr 24, 2017 | Blogging |
I find it humorous that over 2 years ago, I used to think the idea of journaling was ridiculous. “Isn’t that what you do when you’re in school and you like one of the other kids in your class, so you write about how much you love them and then doodle hearts and shit all over your book?” At least, that was my understanding of journaling because that’s the only kind of journaling I ever did. So I thought the idea of doing it as an adult was pretty stupid. But I did it anyway. Because I will always at least TRY something before I write it off completely. Journaling wasn’t easy for me in the beginning. I remember seeing it on my to-do list (yeah, I treated it as a “to-do” instead of something that MUST be done each day) and would put it off, put it off, put it off, until it was the end of the day and I was all.. “eh, I’ll do it tomorrow”. And when I WOULD finally sit down and journal, it would feel terrible. Like I was wasting my time. There were 8,267 other things I’d much rather do then sit down and write about how awesome my dream life is (when in fact my life was average at best). I would often write things like – “This is so stupid.” “I hate journaling.” “This makes no sense.” “I have no idea what I’m supposed to write.” “I hate this.” “I can’t wait until this experiment is over.” And so on and so forth.. But I kept pressing on. I’d heard...