I’m looking for a very, very SPECIFIC type of someone…

I’m looking for a very, very SPECIFIC type of someone…

I was doing some journaling this morning around the kind of clients I want to work with. This is not an unusual thing for me, it’s something I journal on almost daily, really, but today I REALLY went deep with it and got super freakin’ clear on who I wanted to be working with.  It was apparent to me that I was being really vague and general when it came to calling in my ideal clients. You know, that they paid their bills on time, they did the work, and they were fun to be around, kind of affirmations.  Which is good.  Great, even!  But not enough.  Because who I know I was born to serve is not just ANYONE. It’s a very, very SPECIFIC type of someone.  I’ve worked with a lot of clients and I know, without a doubt, who I absolutely do NOT want to work with. Which means that I also know who I most definitely DO want to work with!  And I noticed today that I wasn’t clearly calling them in. I wasn’t making it clear to the universe who exactly I’d like sent my way to support. This whole “getting clients” thing is really looked at in the wrong way by most people. To the majority, a new client = $$$. A new client doesn’t usually = a new friend. And if you’re focusing on the money instead of focusing on the relationship, then there’s a pretty good chance you’re gonna end up with someone you can’t stand, and then you have to suffer through working with them for an extended period of...