by Cassie Howard | May 4, 2017 | Blogging |
I was so excited yesterday because I was going to look at a home that I was SO SURE would be “the one”. I looked up the area extensively before booking the appointment and confirmed that I wanted to make the drive to check it out. It was in an incredible area (one I desired to live in for years but never thought I could afford), the schools were ranked exceptionally well, and it was close to EVERYTHING (including my favourite vegan restaurant that I currently drive 40 minutes to go to each week!). The price was under what I wanted to spend, too, which was a bonus! But when I walked through the house, as much as I WANTED to love it, I just… didn’t. It wasn’t like other homes I’d toured that gave me that “holy shit, this house is fucking incredible, I’d feel amazing living here!”. Instead it gave me a feeling of “it’s okay”, a feeling I tried to push to the back of my mind because OMG THE AREA, maybe I should just suck it up and accept that this is the best there is. Maybe I am being unrealistic about what I want. Maybe I am being a bit TOO demanding. Maybe I just need to stop being such a diva and take what I can get. Except… no. I’m not willing to do that. I’m not willing to settle. I’ve never let my “unrealistic” goals stop me before and I sure as hell am not gonna stop now! I’ve been on the hunt for my dream home for a few months now,...
by Cassie Howard | May 4, 2017 | Blogging |
This morning I was journaling about my soulmate clients and who I desired to be working with and supporting right now (something I do pretty much daily), and I was writing, I realized that I already DO work with these people! And if I don’t work with them privately, they’re in my membership program or part of some other type of group offer I’m running. I started asking myself: “How did this get so easy?” “How could I possibly be working with such badasses that inspire ME on the regular?” “How the hell did this happen?” And it hit me like a ton of bricks – It happened because I decided it was going to happen. I wrote it out my journal every single freakin’ day that I only worked with soulmate clients. It also happened because I was super clear on who those clients were exactly – Their personality traits Their beliefs Their attitude Their goals and dreams Their vision I got clear on – How they felt about certain things What they stood for What they were 100% AGAINST How they spent their time How they acted and performed I got clear on it ALL. I was very, VERY specific. And now? Now, the only clients I work with are badass men & women that are the EXACT soulmate clients I write about each day! Not even just as paying clients, but my COMMUNITY as a whole. Everyone that sets foot into my Facebook Group or joins my mailing list is a Badass Boss™ that fits all the criteria I’ve personally outlined as “soulmate material”! And if...
by Cassie Howard | May 3, 2017 | Business Basics |
You and I are a special breed of the human race. We’re NOT like most people. In fact, we are very VERY different from most, and if we’re being completely honest, we kind of ENJOY being so different! I was thinking this morning about how I’ve called in very specific people to my tribe. People like you. People who are on the same wavelength and play at the same level as me. Other badasses, basically.
And I’m just so grateful to be surrounded by other people who just GET IT. Who just KNOW, deep within their soul that they have a fire that burns so powerfully inside of themselves and that NOTHING is gonna stop them from letting it burn. Until the day we DIE, we will let that fire burn! Because the burn is what we yearn for. The burn is what we want. That FIRE is our ultimate goal and keeping that fire going is the chase, and the hunt is what truly FUELS us. We don’t wake up and chase the money, we chase the FIRE. We chase the pleasure of feeling that fire burn inside of our souls. And nothing (NOTHING!) can even come close to exciting us more than that. Do you remember when you used to wonder what the hell your purpose in life is? Do you ever think back to when it used to be so HARD for you to just get through the day? I do, and I make it a point to think back on those days every so often to remind myself of what could be my life...
by Cassie Howard | May 1, 2017 | Blogging |
It’s so clear to me and everyone around you that right now, you’re ACTING tough, but you’re the furthest thing from it. You’re running scared and you fucking KNOW IT, you just won’t allow yourself to admit it because then you’d have to admit it, right? Because what I can see – Based on what you’re posting all over Facebook, what I’ve heard you say to me and others, on the decisions you’ve been making lately – Is that you actually want more than what you have, but you’re too damn SCARED to actually ask for it because you’re terrified that you might not get it, instead of using that fear as FUEL to your fire.. Or that you’ll seem materialistic… Or that you will appear “crazy”… Or that you WILL get it and it will make your life WORSE somehow (say whaaaat?)… Or that others will judge you… So you sit there and you play it safe, and you SAY you’re going all in, you SAY you’re going after what you want, and you may even BELIEVE that you are (and that’s really the sad part), but if you stop for just one second.. And you REALLY think about it…. are you? Going after what you truly want, I mean? Are you really doing EVERYTHING you can to help you get it? Or are you just SAYING that you want it, thinking about it, journaling on it, telling others about it, maybe even deep inside of you BELIEVING that it’s already yours… but then actually DOING the bare minimum to get it? Because here’s what I can see, and...