by Cassie Howard | Jun 15, 2017 | Business Basics |
Someone asked me the other day what I do, and that has quickly become one of my least favourite questions because I don’t know how to explain it. I mean, I could explain it simply and say “I get paid to be me”, but I know for sure they’d come back with follow-up questions to that, and so I guess I like to get those questions answered before they can even ask, by having a very descriptive answer. But I fail every time, I suppose because there are still ALWAYS follow-up questions. Mostly things like – “Why would someone pay you just to be you? What are they getting out of it?” “That sounds way too good to be true, you’re kidding, right?” “How does that work exactly?” “How much money can you actually make doing that?” “You mean people honestly give you money just to talk to them?” Part of me grows tired of the same questions over and over, but another part of me completely understands why someone would be so confused. I know I used to be. I seems to crazy that you could actually get paid to just be yourself, I know. But I also know, from experience, that this is very much possible. So as hard as it may be to imagine, please do. Because it can be reality for you, too, once you’ve decided to believe it’s possible and then do the work to make it so.
Of course, you aren’t going to make much money just talking about ANYTHING. You do need to be providing value to the people that follow...