by Cassie Howard | Jun 17, 2017 | Blogging |
Sometimes I wonder why negative things happen to good people. Sometimes I wonder if, when bad things happen to good people, they’re not actually good people at all. I’ve discovered that when bad things happen to ANYONE, it’s not because they are not good people, it’s because they are being led down a different path. Nothing is good nor bad, it’s just something that happened. How you choose to react to the situation is what really matters. And if you really pay close attention as to why something seemingly “bad” has happened to you, you may find that it happened to lead you down a much better path, thus stopping you from continuing to do something that may not be what you SHOULD be doing. Over the last day and a half, after something “bad” happened to me, I’ve understood that this is EXACTLY what was going on for me. I’ve realized I have been playing at a “safe” level, and haven’t been allowing myself to truly play at the big level I know I’m meant to play at. It’s something that, now, after having time to really think about WHY it happened, it was actually a blessing in disguise for me. Something that NEEDED to happen in order for me to realize what I was doing in terms of the level I was playing at. After an amazing day and night celebrating my sister’s birthday with her in Paris, I just so happened to set foot into the worst Uber of all time, where, after forgetting my phone/wallet in the backseat, thought my life was pretty much over...
by Cassie Howard | Jun 15, 2017 | Business Basics |
Someone asked me the other day what I do, and that has quickly become one of my least favourite questions because I don’t know how to explain it. I mean, I could explain it simply and say “I get paid to be me”, but I know for sure they’d come back with follow-up questions to that, and so I guess I like to get those questions answered before they can even ask, by having a very descriptive answer. But I fail every time, I suppose because there are still ALWAYS follow-up questions. Mostly things like – “Why would someone pay you just to be you? What are they getting out of it?” “That sounds way too good to be true, you’re kidding, right?” “How does that work exactly?” “How much money can you actually make doing that?” “You mean people honestly give you money just to talk to them?” Part of me grows tired of the same questions over and over, but another part of me completely understands why someone would be so confused. I know I used to be. I seems to crazy that you could actually get paid to just be yourself, I know. But I also know, from experience, that this is very much possible. So as hard as it may be to imagine, please do. Because it can be reality for you, too, once you’ve decided to believe it’s possible and then do the work to make it so.
Of course, you aren’t going to make much money just talking about ANYTHING. You do need to be providing value to the people that follow...
by Cassie Howard | Jun 12, 2017 | Business Basics |
It makes me sad when someone asks me how I manage work/life balance because they are clearly under the impression that you need to HAVE a work/life balance, which is not true at all. I usually get this question during interviews, or sometimes from someone in my community (who clearly doesn’t know me well yet) and my answer is the same every time: “I don’t believe in work/life balance.” Which shocks them. They can’t believe it. I’m sure they start thinking I’m a workaholic. My poor family. They probably never get to see me. But just the mere FACT that they even ASKED ME about work/life balance means they probably believe in it themselves, and so they usually ask me to explain because they’re confused. They don’t get it. When you’re interested in work/life balance, you’re actually saying that you want to take a break from your work every day. And while I get the idea of not being 100% turned on 24/7, of spending quality time with your family and friends, I don’t believe you need to separate the two. Here’s something that a lot of people still don’t understand – THE BUSINESS IS YOU. You do not work IN your business. You do not work ON your business. You simply ARE your business. Your dreams, your goals, your wishes, your passions, your thoughts, your opinions, your message that you share every day – THAT is what people buy. They don’t buy your perfect program. Your course. Your training. They buy YOU. Think...
by Cassie Howard | Jun 7, 2017 | Blogging |
You have to give it your all. The dream life, the dream business, the dream EVERYTHING – You must, without any reservations, give it your all. Why would you want to slow down anyway? Why would you want to stop to “think about it”? So you could pick apart every single part of your plan that’s “wrong” or “won’t work” or will “take too long”? Or so you can talk yourself out of doing something scary because you MIGHT fail. NEWSFLASH: You’re gonna fail at some point. In fact, you’re gonna fail often! That’s part of being an entrepreneur. So you may as well fail doing something you love, instead of fail doing something you hate, right? But let’s not talk about failing right now, because what we’re focusing on today is not that you can’t avoid failure (that’s a given), but that in order for you to create the life you want, you must commit to giving it your all. There’s no half-assing it. There’s no starting and then taking a break. There’s no avoidance whatsoever. There’s just commitment. Full on commitment, all day, every day, for the rest of your life. No more “thinking about it”. No more thinking at all! Just doing. Making decisions. ‘Hell Yes’ing or Hell No’ing’ and nothing in between. Acting from the gut. Trusting your intuition. Start moving forward and building that momentum. The faster you move, the faster everything moves with you: Including the results you desire. You don’t have to wait, so why are you choosing to? Why are you making this so painfully SLOW? Why are you telling yourself...
by Cassie Howard | Jun 4, 2017 | Business Basics |
I just returned home from spending 2 days at our new house, The Conscious Creator’s Castle, a place where, no matter who you are, when you enter the Castle you are entering a place of possibilities. You are surrounded by a powerful energy that allows you to consciously create ANYTHING you want, and I just have to say – WE MADE THE RIGHT DECISION. This is THE house for this phase of my life. This is THE house that will birth a new Cassie. Next level Cassie has been hiding and she’s decided that NOW she’s ready to come out and play. This is THE house where big shifts will happen for everyone who enters. This is THE house where I make lifelong relationships. This is THE house where my kids start to transform. This is THE house where HUGE milestones will be hit. As I walked around the big empty house, taking my time in each room, running my hand along the walls, the doors, the railings, the cabinets, the windows… I just kept taking deep breaths of gratitude. I felt tears coming, and when they did, I expressed gratitude for them, too. Because I can now FEEL what abundance feels like. I can now fully embody the person who is going to create even MORE abundance. Not just for me – But for everyone that crosses my path. I just want to do more, give more, be more, show more, live more. And the last few days have allowed me to fully believe I can. I will. I AM. It is done. This morning I spent some...