by Cassie Howard | Jul 18, 2017 | Making Money |
One of the biggest life lessons I’ve ever had to learn is that time has a way of slipping from you pretty rapidly; always changing, always going in another direction, always slipping through your fingers… And there have been many times that I’ve been told I need to wait, I need to be patient, I need to “get ready” for the things I wanted in life. They told me to wait to have kids. They told me to wait to buy a house. They told me to wait to move again. They told me to wait to hire that new team member. They told me to wait to launch that offer. They told me to wait to buy that truck. It seems as though everywhere I turn, someone is telling me to – Relax Slow Down Wait Be Patient! But here’s the thing – Life waits for no one. Your dreams wait for no one. If you don’t go after them, someone else will, and you’ll miss out. I’ve learned that the longer I wait, the harder it is to achieve something. The longer I prepare, save up, get ready – Ultimately, the less I want it when I’m finally “able” to (at least, according to what everyone else thinks in terms of WHEN). Aren’t you tired of waiting? I mean, really… why the hell would you wait to have something that you could have now? Why would you deny yourself of that pleasure? Don’t you agree that that’s a big ridiculous.. waiting to have what you want, even though you could have and enjoy it now? Waiting is just a form...
by Cassie Howard | Jul 17, 2017 | Making Money |
It infuriates me to no end when someone complains they are broke, or don’t have “enough” money, because here’s the thing – You are choosing that as your reality. Whether you want to believe it or not, it’s true. You’re choosing to be broke and/or never having enough money to do what you want. And you don’t get to complain if you’re the one who chose the thing you’re complaining about. That’s just ridiculous and makes me want to smack you.
Listen, it’s as simple as this: There is no lack of money. Seriously. There is SO MUCH fucking money available to you. You’re simply choosing not to take it. I don’t know why, but you’re avoiding asking for, and then receiving, the money you desire. This is usually for one of these reasons: 1) You don’t know what you’d do with “that much” money. 2) You feel greedy/selfish, or you’re made to feel greedy/selfish from someone else, for wanting “that much” money. 3) You haven’t asked for it. 4) You don’t believe it’s possible for you. 5) You have negative thoughts/feelings about money (usually because of something that happened in your past). A lot of the time, you don’t even know that you’re rejecting money, but if you don’t have the money you want, that’s what’s happening. It’s not because you don’t know how to make money, it’s not because you aren’t good enough/worthy, it’s not because the universe is conspiring against you – It’s because you’re unintentionally turning money away. This is why it’s SO freaking important that you pay attention to how you act around money: in it’s...
by Cassie Howard | Jul 16, 2017 | Blogging |
I think it’s time we own a cottage on Muskoka. Not only will it make us a fuckload of money in the summer (hello, crazy good investment!), but moreso, I just like being here. The vibe is so different than I’ve had anywhere else in the world, even places as beautiful as Paris and Nice. I feel calm. I feel at peace. But at the same time – I feel SUPER high energy. Creative. In the freaking ZONE. I have no issues waking up early here, regardless of whether or not I went to bed at 2am (not that I ever stay up that late or anything…. ha!). I just NEED to be here. I just NEED to capture this flow state and be IN IT forever. It just feels SO GOOD. This morning, as I was brewing in my coffee (in an actual coffee maker, not a Keurig, hallelujah!), looking out the kitchen window at the glow of the sun coming up over the water (creating the most beautiful sunrise), I was reminded of how Muskoka makes me feel. It’s been over a year since I last felt this. And it feels amazing. When something, someone or some PLACE makes you feel amazing, you should surround yourself with it as often as possible, because let me just say, the things that happen when you FEEL amazing would blow your freakin’ mind! I’ve been here less than 24 hours and already I’ve – Journaled (multiple times) Blown up my Snapchat with behind the scenes Written half a dozen emails Planned out my week ahead Emptied my inbox and Facebook PMs Created more content for my...
by Cassie Howard | Jul 14, 2017 | Business Basics |
There is power in the ability to make your own decisions and then follow through with them. Fully, all the way, and not procrastinating any longer, just – GETTING. SHIT. DONE. Deciding to get the work done. Deciding to message that person. Deciding to go to that event. Deciding to eat that broccoli with dinner. You make hundreds, if not thousands, of decisions every single day. Don’t you think that this is something you should probably be pretty good at by now? I mean, you’ve been doing it for over a decade or two (or three or.. you get the idea). And that’s the thing.. You ARE good at making decisions (meaning you know HOW to make them). But that’s just it, you know how to do it. Just like you know HOW to exercise, yet you don’t do it as often as you know you should. You know HOW to brush your hair, but that doesn’t mean you don’t miss a day here and there. Of course you’re good at MAKING decisions. That’s the easy part. What you definitely could stand to improve, though, is what those decisions actually ARE. I mean, let’s face it – You’ve made some pretty shitty decisions lately, haven’t you? You’ve done things you didn’t want to do, or you didn’t allow yourself to do something you truly DID want to do… Or maybe you bought something that didn’t feel aligned, but you bought it because someone else told you that you should. It could even be that you bit your tongue about something you REALLY wanted to speak up about. My point is: Although you...
by Cassie Howard | Jul 12, 2017 | Blogging |
I was just doing some journaling around fear, and something in particular that I am really afraid of right now, that I’m worried about, and that I’m trying to process. It’s something so big, so scary, so “omg, what if?”, that it made me feel physically ill. And as I was writing, I realized that I was ALLOWING the fear to take over, I was allowing it to hold me down, and I was not allowing myself to move past it. I was holding on to past beliefs around it, letting them consume me and take over, instead of saying “OH HELL TO THE NO, YOU ARE NOT!” and stopping them dead in their tracks. I was journaling for just 15 minutes or so, when I had this big breakthrough: “Choose something different.” Something so obvious. So simple. So BUT OF COURSE! But something I wasn’t seeing because I was filtering out. All I was seeing was the fear, and so that’s what I focused on. Which meant, of course, that I wasn’t able to properly heal and move forward, and yes, choose something different. It didn’t take long for me to realize this sabotaging thing I was doing to myself. And once I realized it, I was easily and quickly able to choose something different; something that would make me feel EXCITED and not afraid. The process for changing a belief is like so – When something feels off, something IS off. Identify it as quickly as you can. This may require journaling, meditation, someone else asking you deep questions or YOU asking yourself those questions, thinking/quiet time, or...