by Cassie Howard | Aug 31, 2017 | Business Niche |
Another day, another email. Sometimes I wonder how I’m able to keep doing this every day. How do I keep having something to say? Why do I keep hitting “send”, day after day after day? And more importantly, does it really matter? The stuff that I say in these emails, that is.. And OF COURSE it matters. Of course it makes a difference. If not for anyone but myself. I’ve just gotta get the words out. Every day I look at the blank screen, with the cursor blinking at me, like an angry child staring at me, demanding I hurry up and give them a cookie. If you’re not quick, someone might have a tantrum. (And it probably won’t be the child…) So I see this blinking cursor every day. It taunts me. Tries to tell me I have nothing to say, and I should go away and do something else until I feel “inspired”. Have you ever done that? Not “been able” to write anything, and promise yourself you’ll go and do something to get yourself inspired and THEN you will write? I have. And it usually ends with me not writing anything. My point is: The reason I show up and say something every day, is not because I have something earth-shattering or important to share, but because if I don’t, I will lose the momentum I have built around writing. Writing used to be so hard for me. I would struggle with knowing what to say (always trying to impress others by saying what I thought I was “supposed to” say, instead of what I really wanted to say)....
by Cassie Howard | Aug 22, 2017 | Blogging |
I USED TO BE AFRAID TO SHOW UP AND BE MYSELF. You too? I would hide myself. My true self. My life has been all kinds of crazy, something I used to be embarassed of, but now embrace fully. In grade school, I took up smoking to be cool. It didn’t work. I was always lame. I flirted with boys I didn’t like because I didn’t want to be called a prude. I hung out with people who were evil fucking humans because they were popular. I bit my tongue when I heard other people talking smack about someone else, instead of defending them. I saw people being taken advantage of and said nothing. I didn’t want to be a “rat”. I said and did things that make me sick to my stomach. I was a total fucking hyprocrite for years, saying I was SO against the things I was secretly doing behind closed doors. I drank Peach Schnapps straight from the bottle in the basement of someone’s house I didn’t know. I walked the streets all night with a friend nightly, often barefoot, hiding in ditches when we saw car lights headed our way, to avoid being snatched and assaulted. I met strange men in person that I’d only ever talked to online, a lot of the time I’d only ever spoken to them once. One time I ended up at someone’s apartment and found a gun under the pillow on their bed. I kept visiting him. I went to a news reporter’s home, by myself, with his camera man, and he filmed me in his living room. He thankfully didn’t...
by Cassie Howard | Aug 14, 2017 | Blogging |
Sometimes it makes me sad that so many people just don’t GET us and what we do. How all we wanna do is wake up, be ourselves, and share our message with the world. We just want to be who we are and be loved for that. We want to change the world with our words and our actions. We want to encourage others and make a difference. Yet they think we sit at home and binge on Netflix and Facebook all day, don’t they? That couldn’t be further from the truth, and I know you feel me on that! I know how hard you work. I see you every day, showing up, saying something, being present. I KNOW that you’re busting your ass. I KNOW that you are so gung-ho for this. I KNOW you want it. It, being the success, the impact, the money, and the fame, of course.
And it’s not always easy being us, now is it? It’s not always easy saying what’s on our mind, because we know that no matter what we say, someone won’t be happy with us. Someone will be angry. Someone will be silently (or not-so-silently) judging us. It’s not easy knowing that we can’t be loved by everyone. But still we try, don’t we? It’s not always easy doing the “work”. Showing up day after day, writing, speaking, creating, messaging, selling, delivering.. It’s fun, yes. But easy? Not always. Sometimes the last thing you want to do is turn on your laptop, or get on camera, or even call someone you’re normally excited to call and speak to. Sometimes you just...
by Cassie Howard | Aug 1, 2017 | Blogging |
When are you going to get over your fear of showing up as your SELF and just playing that out with EASE? Aren;t you feeling sick and tired of faking it? Of hiding? Of pretending? Let me just tell you – That’s the fast track to hell. In terms of how your life feels, anyway.
Believe me when I say that not only is it EASIER to just be you, but it ends up working out in your favour, too. Because listen: We don’t want the fake you. We want the real you. We want the flawed you. We want the fucked up you. We want the misunderstood you. We want YOU, the way you are right now. I had a call with one of my kickass private clients today and she asked me how I’m able to be so honest all the time. My answer was simple: “There’s no other way to live.” Honesty will attract your soulmate peeps, your soulmate clients, your soulmate TRIBE. Honesty is easy. Honesty isn’t something you have to think about. You just open your heart, open your mouth, and pour your fucking soul out. THAT is what creates the connection between you and those who end up ADORING you, loving your work, buying from you, learning from you, and being impacted by you and your words. You are an inspiration right now, just as you are. Know that. Believe that. And act from that place. And can I just say? When you’re faking it and not being you, we can tell. And I’m sorry, but it’s SAD. Pathetic, even. We can see right through...