by Cassie Howard | Sep 13, 2017 | Blogging |
When it comes to content, I pump out a lot of it. This confuses the hell out people and I’m often questioned about how the hell I could possibly create so much. “How do you balance business with family life?” “Don’t you ever run out of stuff to say?” “How many hours a day are you creating content? It seems like there’s something new from you..” Well, yeah, that’s kinda the point. Content is the only way people can get a feel for whether or not they can relate to or resonate with me. If they can, they can learn from me, which can lead to a life better than the one they’re living now. Why do I create so much content? Because sharing my message is the most important thing I can do in order to change lives. And my goal in life is to change as many lives for the better as I possibly can. If that means I have to write many thousands of words and shoot hours of videos every week, I will do it. And the other part is this: I can’t NOT create. It’s just not possible. I either create it in my head (which is gonna happen anyway), or I create it in the physical form and throw it at the internet to see if it sticks. It doesn’t always stick. In fact, a lot of the time it falls flat. But the more I throw, the more often it will stick. And the more it sticks, the more of an impact I’m making. Goal = met. It’s really not that hard to...