This is how you GET WHAT YOU WANT!

This is how you GET WHAT YOU WANT!

I’ve noticed that I seem to have a fascination with male entrepreneurs more than I do female. There aren’t many female entrepreneurs I look up to and go “that woman is brilliant and I want to be just like her when I grow up!”. It’s crazy rare. Male entrepreneurs, on the other hand… there’s a whole group of them I absolutely adore, look up to, and I hang on every word they say! Mark Cuban Grant Cardone Gary Vaynerchuck Tony Robbins .. just to name a few! I wish that there were more women out there that inspired me as much as these men do, but those women are few and far between, unfortunately. There are SOME, though, and one that I really admire and look up to is Barbara Corcoran. That is one determined, over-the-top, super savvy, badass motherfucker, that Barbara! And not long ago, she wrote the following on social media just minutes after I followed up with the realtor for the 5,973th time, about the home I’m manifesting: “At the end of the day, I don’t care how talented someone is but I do care how persistent they are.” And it made me love her even more because she is SO FUCKING RIGHT (about a lot of things, but especially about this thing!). Talent helps, but having it doesn’t mean you’ll be successful. Because where success comes from is persistence. Being persistant in getting what you want.  Being persistant in reaching the right person. Being persistant in selling what you want to sell. Being persistant in getting people to notice you. Being persistant in doing what you...