I’m gonna ask you a question point-blank and you’ve gotta answer honestly, okay? Don’t lie. You’re hurting yourself more than anyone else, if you do. 😉  ARE YOU REALLY DOING ALL THAT YOU CAN? I mean, truly doing every single thing you know how to do in order to create the life and business that you want.. are you? Yep, I’m talking about the WORK, and yes I know I just talked about the work the other day, but I’m gonna talk about it again because most people are NOT doing the work (maybe you’re one of them), and need a good kick in the ass about it. That’s what I’m here for, of course! Always happy to deliver a needed ass-kicking. 😉 Listen: Doing the work is CRUCIAL. Staying the course, one foot in front of the other, taking consistent, persistent, aligned action, day in and day out.  You must give ALL that you have - this is your freakin’ LIFE we’re talking about here! Do you want it to be amazing? Then you’ve gotta WORK, bitch! {Channelling my inner Britney right now.} Don’t be afraid of the work. In fact, if it’s work you LOVE, it won’t actually feel like “work” at all - not in the sense that it feels like a burden, which it DOES for most people, and that’s because they aren’t doing their SOUL work, but instead doing “surface work”, just to pay the bills. Gross. Some days it may feel like a pain in the ass and you REALLY won’t wanna. Do it anyway. These are the most IMPORTANT days to do...