by Cassie Howard | Jun 24, 2019 | Miscellaneous |
It matters not what others think you’re capable of, but what you know in your soul you’d be crazy not to do. There are many people who will try to stop you – Who will warn you just how “risky” what you want to do is.Who will tell you stories about their friend of a friend that tried to do what you did and ruined their whole life.Who will caution you to do what’s safe, what’s responsible, what’s normal. And you – My badass, rebel friend, need to IGNORE IGNORE IGNORE. The thing about those who are NOT LIKE US, are that they can’t even FATHOM the idea of your “crazy idea” actually working out. They genuinely believe that they’re helping you by warning you of the “dangers” of following your soul and doing the big things you’ve always known you were born to do. This is because they are a different breed. They are nothing like us. They can’t rationalize what we do. Don’t even bother trying to explain your side of things. Just not your head and immediately ignore their suggestion to stop, to go slow, to be “careful” (LOL!), to be responsible… You, and me, and those that are just like us? We know what we’re meant to do in this world. The thought of taking things slow, of doing what The Normals do each day, makes us nauseous. Deep down inside of you, there’s a fire that burns so fiercely, it’s impossible to put out. People will try to throw water on it, try to keep you small…But it’s a fire that always burns. It will never go out.You will either continue to your life trying to engulf...
by Cassie Howard | Jun 24, 2019 | Miscellaneous |
They call you irresponsible because you go after your big deams instead of playing the mediocrity game of life. They throw around words like “crazy”, “reckless”, and “ridiculous” when they refer to you.They tell you that you need to “grow up”, to get a “real job”, to stop being so “childish” because the ideal life you’re chasing is far too grand than they could ever fathom for themselves. You may feel like you’re alone – Like you’re the only one who dreams as big as you do – Or thinks the way that you do – But you’d be far from the truth. ‘Cause hey, what’s up, I’m here. Let’s be besties. Us crazy, childish, irresponsible, ridiculous, REBELIOUS motherfuckers, we’re one. You and me, me and you, all of us, together. Everyone else can get fucked. The thing is – They just don’t GET us – They can’t understand why we are so obsessed with writing and creating, and posting on social media every day, and speaking our mind (with no filter, ever), because they aren’t one of us. It’s no wonder they can’t understand our ways. Nor should they try! You’re in love with the hustle, you can’t stop, won’t stop, when it comes to doing the work that you love - the work that you know you were born to do.You actually enjoy getting out of bed each morning and hitting the ground running. Who TF are these people that love to sleep in? These people who actually enjoy living such a SLOOOOOOW life? What even is that?How is that a thing?Your passion is so strong, it’s such a FORCE, that you can’t NOT show up and do the work every...
by Cassie Howard | Jun 24, 2019 | Miscellaneous |
Every time you say no to something you feel deep in your soul is actually meant to be a yes, you’re pushing away what you want, further and further. Eventually, it will be so damn far away that you can’t even see it anymore. You start to forget what it is you actually wanted. And you’ll continue to live your life going through the motions, always pushing away your desires (unknowingly, but it’s happening).The next thing you know, you’re on your death bed and you’re wondering what the fuck you even did with your life.You’re wishing you took more risks.You’re wishing you actually listened to your soul and took action on the things that felt SO right (even though they also felt so scary).You’re wishing you had done more, said more, experienced more. And you will die, not necessarily unhappy, but not completely fulfilled. And wouldn’t that just be a tragedy?I can’t think of anything worse than being on my death bed, knowing I could have done/seen/said/experienced more, and didn’t. When it’s my time to go, I want to know that I lived my life to the fullest and I did all that I could to make my dreams a reality. In truth, there’s not a doubt in my mind that I’ll accomplish all that I desire. I REFUSE to settle for less than I want. But I’d be lying if I said there weren’t times when I just wanted to take the easy road… because the one I’m on is full of potholes and sprinting deer that I have to watch for, and swerve around.Trusting your gut is hard AF sometimes. Because it’s scary. Because...
by Cassie Howard | Jun 24, 2019 | Miscellaneous |
1. the more energy you put toward receiving money, the more money you will ultimately receive. don’t focus on the lack of money you may be experiencing, but on the money you WANT. 2. if you want people to buy from you, ask them to buy from you. don’t expect them to know how they can work with you. tell them.3. you get what you expect. start expecting more sales if you want more sales. #basicreminder4. the more you have available to buy, the more choices people have to get what they want from you = the more money you make and the more people you help. 5. selling = helping. by selling someone something they need, you are helping them.6. you have GIFTS inside of you. gifts that have the ability to change lives. by keeping those gifts inside of you, you’re being a selfish jerk. 🙂 people need what you can sell to them (and help them with). 7. your audience is getting bored AF with your offers because you keep selling the same damn thing over and over. be INTERESTING. change up what you’re selling, or the way you’re selling it. 8. there are a million & one ways to make money online. don’t get stuck in one little box. (private coaching, group coaching, sponsorships, affilate marketing, products, in person or online group events, workshops, private client days, brand ambassadorships, and on and on we go.. 🙂)9. stop selling shit you hate, okay? it never works. people can tell you’re not into it which makes THEM not into it. the more you just do whatever the fuck you want, the more (and the faster)...
by Cassie Howard | Jun 24, 2019 | Miscellaneous |
I think we are so fucking terrified of doing it “wrong” that we tend to stay in this place of stuck-ness, where we’re not FULLY diving in and living the life we want to be living.So worried about someone else may think if you say that thing that you’re thinking. So terrified that someone may not agree with a post or a video or a STATEMENT that you make on the internet (or off).So afraid that you’ll put out something for sale and no one will buy. And so you stay, frozen, unable to move, because… what if?!It doesn’t help that practically all of your family doesn’t understand what you do and so they’re practically begging you to stop, to be “responsible”, to get a “real” job. And though your spouse is supportive, you know that they’re clueless as fuck about what the hell you do all day, and that makes them just a lil’ uncomfortable. You’re feeling AFRAID to do anything, afraid of any possible next move you could take because you’re so unsure of it it will work or not?What if I launch this program and no one buys?What if I post this thing and someone gets mad and talks shit about me?What if my client quits on me and asks for a refund?What if I can’t pay my bills next month?You’re living in a life of what-ifs instead of just riding the waves of uncertainty and letting them guide you. Here’s the truth: THERE IS A FEELING OF CERTAINTY DEEP WITHIN ALL FEELINGS OF UNCERTAINTY. Meaning – Even though on the surface you may feel as though you’re uncertain about something, deep down, you...