by Cassie Howard | Jun 24, 2019 | Miscellaneous |
If you really, truly, leaned in to what the universe is TRYING to tell you, maybe you’d get the answers you’ve been searching for.Maybe you just don’t care.Maybe it’s just not that important to you.Maybe you actually PREFER the struggle and the uphill battle that has been your LIFE. Because what’s working right now is you not being you. You’re showing up as who you want us to think you are. An empty shell of a person.. when we KNOW there is so much more.YOU know there is so much more. So why won’t you let the real you out?Share your dreamsShare your desiresShare your fearsShare your vulnerabilitiesShare with us who you ARE so we can fall in love with YOU. The real you.Have you forgotten who you actually are?Have you forgotten what you came here to do? Let’s be honest.You’ve been slacking. You’ve been hiding. You’ve been shrinking down and trying to escape being seen because.. Well, who knows why! Madness, I tell you! But it’s been happening. You can’t seem to find anything to say.You feel bored with your work.The money is coming in slower than ever. And you just ain’t having as much fun as you used to.Do you remember that?When your days were filled with excitement and joy and BELIEF in what was possible for you?Did you forget that when you first started this dang thing, you did so with the intention to change your life for the better.Did you forget?Did you?This is your wake up call.This is the universe, speaking through me, to you, giving you the loving smackdown that you need, to SHAPE UP. Get back into alignment. Get back into...
by Cassie Howard | Jun 24, 2019 | Miscellaneous |
(Pictured is me picking tea leaves in Japan. For our matcha company. That I told myself wasn’t viable or wouldn’t work. But that I really wanted to launch. Eventually I just said “fuck it, I’m going for it”, and now here we are.)Maybe the reason that you don’t yet have what you want, is because you don’t actually want it.Maybe your soul is doing it’s work in trying to GUIDE you toward your TRUE desires, and so it is pushing away your false ones. Those things you keep asking for – The certain amount of moneyThe particular type of relationshipThe home in a very specific neighborhoodHave you ever asked yourself WHY you keep asking for these things?Have you ever delved deeply into whether or not you ACTUALLY want them? Maybe they just seemed like cool goals at the time you made them. Maybe someone else achieved them and you thought “that looks fun, I want that”.Whatever the reason, if you haven’t yet received the things you so desperately are seeking, it’s time to do some serious reflection on why you set those goals in the first place. The things you’re asking for now, especially that ONE really big thing you’ve been wanting for awhile now.. maybe it’s not THE thing.Sure, it seems cool and all, and if you had it, you definitely wouldn’t be mad about it.It wouldn’t be bad of course, but it also wouldn’t feel right, and you know it. It would feel as though you were constantly walking around in someone else’s used underwear. Old. Stale. Gross. Unpleasant. Not right at ALL.It’s tempting to go after things that would be ‘okay’...
by Cassie Howard | Jun 24, 2019 | Miscellaneous |
This morning I woke up feeling grateful that I was in my own bed, in my own room, in my own house. I even woke up at my usual time! Only today, I something felt different. I, myself, felt different.So I did what I always do, and picked up my journal, and let it all out. 🙂And it seems as though I am elevating to a new level. My whole identity, everything I’ve resonated with for ages now, is changing. I even have appointments booked to change my APPEARANCE. (Oh shit!)All I know is.. next-level Cassie is emerging. She’s about to come through.I’ve been feeling this for awhile now. Months and months where I knew that next-level me was about to show up to the party and make herself known. I’ve journaled on it, meditated on it, dreamt about it… But nothing much came from it in the physical form.Yet I stayed the course.I continued to dig into this new version of me and try to identify how to bring her to life. This morning, I knew - it was time. Now. And as I did a short (2 minute) meditation on it, I got a pretty clear smack-in-the-face kind of message - perhaps it’s a message that YOU need to hear as well?The message was this – SUCCESS IS AVAILABLE TO YOU AT ANY TIME. And then, as if next-level me was yelling at current me, I heard – STOP BEING SUCH A BABY ABOUT IT.Damn. Next-level Cassie ain’t fucking around.I guess it’s true that I’ve kinda been a big baby around it. Success, that is - or at least my version of it. I’ve been making...
by Cassie Howard | Jun 24, 2019 | Miscellaneous |
Stop worrying about the “right time” to launch your business, invest in mentorship, buy the house, date the guy, have the baby, increase your prices, hire that person..Stop worrying about the right time to do anything.The right time?Is when you think about it, and it feels exciting. Truth be told, there IS no perfect time. And the longer you wait to do something that you WANT to do, and deep down know that you WILL do, some day, the further away you push it.The more you put it off, the less likely you will ever HAVE IT. If you’re excited about something, but say to yourself “not yet”, “I’m not ready”, “I need to do THIS first”, “I need to think about it”.. or anything along those lines.. what you’re doing is pushing it away.You’re telling the universe that you’re no longer interested.And so the universe, confused AF, but always following your cues, takes it away. Now, the next time you think about doing/having/being it, it’s even further. It seems even MORE impossible. And you start to doubt yourself and whether of not you’re “ready” even more so than the last time.So just STOP with the bullshit.Stop with holding back things/experiences that you want because you don’t feel ready.You will NEVER feel ready.It will NEVER feel like the perfect time.Trust your gut. Do you want it? Really, REALLY want it? If so - you’d better start acting like it! That means, of course, by saying YES.Say YES to the scary thing (that you know will lead you to what you want).Say YES to what you feel in your gut is the right thing,...
by Cassie Howard | Jun 24, 2019 | Miscellaneous |
After a full day of travelling, we made it to Kyoto, Japan last night and promptly crashed in bed. I don’t think I’ve slept that well in ages! So good.I was told by so many people that I’d love Japan. Everyone says it’s beautiful here, clean, the people are nice… and so far, everything seems to be playing out that way, so I’m grateful!I can’t wait to go to the matcha farm, processing plant, and do all the biz-related things, while also eating all the vegan food (there’s a vegan restaraunt 5 minutes from our hotel!), writing from cafes, and snapping at least 5,000 photos of the sights. I get a different kind of buzz here. It’s similar to when I go to California - except, the vibe is way different. Cali has a “you can do anything, life is amazing” kind of vibe. Kyoto (at least the little I’ve seen of it so far) has a spiritual vibe, where you just wanna chill TF out, drink tea, and be present. This morning, as I sit and type this by the window in our hotel room, sitting green tea and waiting for my husband-who-takes-longer-than-a-female-to-get-ready to go get food, I’m reminded that life is so fucking amazing.There are so many opportunities available to you.So many incredible memories for you to make. So much for you to explore, and experience. So many dreams for you to make come true for yourself.But the struggle.. oh the struggle. You make it so damn hard on yourself, don’t you? You don’t just allow yourself to experience ease, and flow, and total fucking high-vibe energy..It’s not your fault though. You’ve been...