by Cassie Howard | Jun 24, 2019 | Miscellaneous |
I’ve suffered from extreme anxiety for as long as I can remember. I’ve always been a worrier; a trait I inherited from my close family members. It’s held me back in so many ways, and it’s been something that I’ve had to work on for years. It’s something I’ll likely always be working on. A few years ago, I discovered that my daily consumption of coffee was making my naturally high anxiety even worse. I cut it out completely, but I missed that comforting cup of energy. I tried tea, which was less caffeine and better for my anxiety, but it wasn’t the same. And then I found matcha. I can’t remember who told me about it, but it was hot, it had caffeine (1/4 less then what you’d find in a cup of coffee), and so I gave it a try.The first time I tried matcha I thought it tasted like swap water. I let my daughter try some of mine, and she said it tasted like “broccoli water”. True. It did. I guess I got used to the taste, because I found myself drinking it all the time.But more than the taste; the energy that I get from matcha is INCREDIBLE. No crash and no shakes that coffee gives me. That, and it’s like a slow-drip caffeine, instead of a punch in the face, like the energy coffee gives you.🙂 My energy on matcha is more gradual, lasts longer, and feels better. Coffee makes me feel amazing for about an hour, and then I feel like my heart is gonna beat out of my chest and I’m gonna die. For someone who suffers with anxiety on...
by Cassie Howard | Jun 24, 2019 | Miscellaneous |
It’s very strange to wake up and walk outside in shorts in the middle of November. California makes my soul happy, and I’m so excited to hang out here with my Expansion Mastermind clients while we brainstorm, mastermind, and have all the fun shenanigans. We’ve been sitting on our patio in the backyard for hours, talking all things boundaries, religion, acceptance, affirmations, soulmate client attraction, raising your prices, and how to get paid just to be YOU! There’s a lot more that we’ll be covering over the weekend together, all in good time of course, and tomorrow we have a 3-hour hike in La Jolla where we’ll have a drone following us and taking incredible photos. So excited! It’s moments like these where I am reminded of just how incredible my life is, and how just a few years ago I would NEVER have hopped on a plane just to spend a few days in California. Have you ever had one of those moments where everything is just so blissful and you wonder “how is this real life?” That is now. That was yesterday. That will be tomorrow, too. The truth is, with the fear of sounding arrogant, I’m gonna just come out and say it: Every day feels this way. Every day I have to pinch myself that THIS is reality. I get to just be me every day, doing what I love to do. I get to travel with friends and family all the time. I get to live a VIP lifestyle. I get to be fully supported in my business and life. Not to say there aren’t bad days. I for sure deal with my fair share of...
by Cassie Howard | Jun 24, 2019 | Miscellaneous |
It takes a certain kind of person to be an entrepreneur. Someone who has guts. Someone who has no fear. Someone who thrives on the go, go, go and the ups and downs of entrepreneurship. I’ve noticed that the people who are most successful, at least online, where I’ve had the opportunity to somewhat see them from afar for a few years, they went through shit to get where they are. They didn’t have it easy. Their success didn’t happen overnight. They worked their ass off, they had some wins and even bigger losses, but the one thing that they refused to do – The thing that most people DO actually end up doing – Is quit. No matter what life throws at them, they take it with a smile, and scream “is that all you’ve got?!!” And they KEEP. ON. GOING.There is no stopping the relentless entrepreneur. There is no stopping a woman on a mission.There is no stopping someone who’s passion is bigger than her excuses.Some people have legitimate excuses to quit. Phillipa, when her precious son passed away, is a good example of this. She had a VALID excuse to walk away, but that bitch is strong. And she knows what she was born to do. So even though the world handed her something horrendous, she go the fuck back up again and she KEPT. ON. GOING.Those with a fire in their soul, who know that they were born for something bigger than themselves, who cannot and WILL NOT be stopped – They are the ones you’ve gotta watch. Those are the people you want to be spending your time with. Learning from. Soaking up their...
by Cassie Howard | Jun 24, 2019 | Miscellaneous |
I got into couponing about 11 years ago.I was in $20K of debt and after selling my company (that I didn’t want to sell) to pay the debt off, I started to take my money situation seriously so I never had to be in that situation ever again.I turned to couponing because it just seemed like the right solution to my problems of overspending.I started ordering coupons online, from eBay and other sources, started hunting them down in the stores, joined a bunch of couponing communities and I got to work.:: I saved THOUSANDS of dollars a month.:: I walked out of stores having them pay ME for my groceries. (Seriously.):: I had multiple shelves FULL of products at home, many that I got for free.:: I became a leader in the couponing industry and was dubbed The Canadian Coupon Queen by many.:: I had not one, but TWO binders full of coupons and I took them with me everywhere I went.:: I became well-known at my local stores as the “crazy coupon lady” and half of the cashiers hated me and all the extra work they had to do when I pulled up to their till.And I’m not gonna lie, it was fun for awhile. Couponing became my DRUG. I got high all the time on that shit! I shopped all day long, and some times, in the middle of the night. Whenever was the best time to get a score.But there are some other things that happened in addition to getting the couponing HIGH –I ate like shitMy house was clean, but always smelled like chemicalsI would...
by Cassie Howard | Jun 24, 2019 | Miscellaneous |
One of my greatest joys in life is turning Internet Marketers into Intuituve Marketers.When I see someone transform from being a robopreneur, just going through the motions every day, following some kind of step-by-step SYSTEM that some “guru” taught them, into someone who gets paid just to EXIST – Well – I get pretty lit up. I mean, in a sense we’re ALL internet marketers. If you’re selling online, then essentially you’re an internet marketer. But there’s a difference between marketing online and doing it from a place of “I MUST!” markering online from a place of “I GET TO!”.Is there anything worse on earth than getting paid only when you follow some kind of PLAN?Ugh. Gross. No thanks. I wanna get paid just to exist. Which maybe makes me sound super egotisitcal and just a tad bit vain LOL, but this is what I desire. I desire to get paid just to be here in this world. I chose a long time ago that people would pay me just to be around me and in my energy. I chose that money would come in practically on auto-pilot, all day, every day, and all I had to do to “make” that money, was to wake up and share myself with the world.And then I did just that. I showed up. Day after day. And I just lived my life and shared it with the internet peeps. I didn’t care that people told me I was crazy. That I was “obsessed” with myself. That I was arrogant. That I was out of my mind. (It’s still funny to me when people ask me what I do for a living and...