by Cassie Howard | Jun 24, 2019 | Miscellaneous |
I see you over there, trying so hard to figure it all out. You’re watching, taking notes, strategising, planning..You see all of this SUCCESS that others have and you want it, OMG so bad, you want to make that happen in your life, too!You journal about how awesome it would be, how you would feel, what you would do and see and experience.You get excited thinking about it. And sometimes you get to the point where you’re just so freakin’ on FIRE with excitement that you actually, you know, do something about it.Take action!Write stuff!Post it on the internet!Tell people about your stuff!Say something!Write some more! Send an email!And then you’re done. You feel so accomplished! You showed up today. You did the work.Except.. you didn’t.Not all of it, anyway.What you did was surface-level bullshit, if we’re being honest here. And that’s not gonna pay the bills. That’s not gonna get you to rich. That’s not gonna solve your problems.THAT’S NOT THE FUCKING ANSWER.Showing up is not showing up if it doesn’t get results.I mean REAL results. Ya know, money in the BANK. Testimonials flying at you for the work you did for someone. Clients and customers continuing to buy from you on repeat.If you don’t have THAT, then you’ve got nothing, friend.And it’s only gonna get worse. Rock bottom is coming. Again. Because you just don’t GET it.How many times do you plan to hit rock bottom before you finally claw your way up out of the gutter for GOOD?How many times does it need to hurt so bad you can barely breathe before you finally see that you...
by Cassie Howard | Jun 24, 2019 | Miscellaneous |
You really want to hire a coach. You know that in order to get to your next level, you’re gonna need to be around someone who already IS where you wanna be. So you make the decision.“I’m hiring a coach!”, you proclaim excitedly. You feel that you are ready, you’ve got the money set aside (or you’re willing to put it on a credit card or invest in some other way), and you are eager to make the leap from treating your business like a hobby to treating your business like a COMPANY that makes money.I mean, let’s face it, you’ve kinda been acting like a freelancer instead of a CEO leader, haven’t you?But you’re DONE messing around. You’re done playing. You’re ready for more, now.So out you go, to hire someone to show you how to evolve into that next-level version of you, now. Except, you make one crucial mistake.You don’t hire the perfect coach. You go coach shopping, which basically means you send a message to a bunch of different coaches that you kinda sorta resonate with, and see which one comes back with the best response. This seems like a smart idea. Many people will likely tell you it IS a good idea.These are often people who have hired a coach in the past that wasn’t a good fit and so now they feel jaded toward all coaches. So they warn you: “Do your research!”“Get a bunch of quotes!”“Never go with the first coach that responds!”And now all of a sudden you have a bunch of responses from a bunch of coaches who are ready to take you on as a client...
by Cassie Howard | Jun 24, 2019 | Miscellaneous |
If you would just open up your eyes, you would SEE that right now, you’re settling. Accepting less than you deserve. Less than you want. You’re not allowing yourself to FULLY go after what you want in life. Because of fear. Or overwhelm. Or uncertainty. Or some other kind of excuse - it IS an excuse. You don’t have to settle. You don’t have to struggle. There IS another way, and that way is the way that will feel the easiest, the most fun, and, of course, will get you exactly what it is that you desire (or better!). But first you need to trust. You need to believe that everything is working out in your favor (because it is). You need to trust that you will always make the right decision. You need to trust your GUT when it comes to taking action. And you need to ALLOW yourself to receive your desires. And then, you WILL. ❤I believe in you. I know you’re powerful and can do big things. You’re HERE to do big things. You know this - so why aren’t you acceping it and acting accordingly? It’s time to pull back the curtain on your life, take a good hard look at what you’ve created, and then ask yourself – Is this what I REALLY want?If not? Time to shake things up. Follow the intuitive nudges. Those little voices inside your head that tell you “this way” or “do this”.. The feeling you get inside of you (to me it feels like butterflies in my stomach) that kinda sorta makes you wanna puke but you know is THE answer. The one you’ve been searching for. It’s time...
by Cassie Howard | Jun 24, 2019 | Miscellaneous |
Let’s talk about fear. That gremlin in your head that tells you why you shouldn’t do something.“Don’t buy that thing, you might regret it!”“Don’t talk to that person, they might do something to harm you!”“Don’t agree to that thing, it might not end up the way you want it to end up!”“Don’t invest in that person, they might rip you off!”“Don’t share that opinion, people might disagree and make you look stupid for sharing it!”And so you continually don’t do the scary thing because OMG WHAT IF?!Aren’t you tired of being a slave to the fear? Are you sure you really want to live that way? Where your every thought, desire, and belief are always pushed aside so fear can take their place? Aren’t you feeling sick of being in the same damn place that you’ve been at for the past year, 2 years or more - constantly craving more, but never experiencing it because your fear is holding you back?If you think about it – You staying STUCK has really been making you feel down. You go to bed with that feeling in your heart that, yet again, you didn’t show the fuck up all the way, you played it safe, you AGAIN didn’t take the leap, and so..You’re. Still. STUCK. And this goes on for weeks, months, even YEARS, where you desperately WANT more, but you just can’t seem to get there – You always feel like crap. You’re tired as hell. You’re incredibly frustrated. And you keep SAYING you’re done, you keep SAYING this is “your time”. But it just..Never is. Never happens. Not the way you want it to, anyway. That’s for the...
by Cassie Howard | Jun 24, 2019 | Miscellaneous |
The thing that really pisses me off in the online coaching industry is the bullshit rule that you have to do things a certain way in order to be successful.You don’t have to do webinars. You don’t have to do sales calls.You don’t have to write 1,000 word blog posts every day.You don’t have to use Facebook ads. You don’t have to hire a copywriter. You don’t have to do market research or nail down your ICA or determine your “niche”. (LOL!)You don’t have to use Twitter and Pinterest and Instagram and every other social media platform ever created, so that you can “be everywhere”.You don’t any of it. Nada. Except for show the fuck up and do the damn thing. The THING being, of course, sharing your message with the world. Being your own freakin’ self and sharing YOU.Just the whole CONCEPT of trying to fit yourself into some perfect little entrepreneurial box is maddening, don’t you think?I bought into this lie for years, doing all kinds of things I thought I HAD to do, but things that didn’t really FEEL good for me. And I won’t say that it didn’t work, in terms of making money, because it DID. I made a lot of fucking money ticking all of my boxes and following all the rules. But after awhile, I didn’t even want it anymore. I’d traded in my SOUL for money. And I felt like a total fucking fraud. How could I be preaching authenticity when I was being fake as fuck, trying to be someone I, deep down, just WASN’T?Eventually I got pretty tired of the whole charade, and ditched the rules...