Here’s some advice for the fearful ones that think no matter what they do, they’re doing it wrong, they’re gonna mess it up, or it’s not gonna work because maybe in the past they maybe failed.. STOP CARING.Stop giving a shit about the failures you may have had in the past.Stop spending time doing stuff that you don’t actually wanna do just because someone else told you that you should.Stop worrying about crap like algorithms, likes on your posts, or colors you should use in your branding. *insert eye roll*What you really need to worry about, if you’re gonna worry about anything at all, is whether or not you’re doing your soul work. The work your soul longs for you to do. The work that fuels you and makes you feel ALIVE. If you’re not spending every waking moment of every day doing that, what the hell are you actually doing with your life?Your soul work is way more important to worry about than how many people saw your kast Facebook post. I mean, come on. What are we, vanity whores? Fall in love with doing your soul work and you’ll never have to worry about numbers again. The numbers will always work out in your favor if you’re doing what sets your soul on fire. So do that. Trust that. Take action based on soul feelings. Soul tugs. Soul pulls. Soul desires. You know what I’m talking about here, right? When you feel those butterflies in your stomach and the idea that just popped into your head makes you feel giddy with joy - that’s what you should be doing. Even if it’s scary. Even if you...


Whatever it is that you desire in life, what you’ve been working so fucking hard to achieve/receive/HAVE in your life – It’s all possible for you. In fact, it’s so possible for you that you could have had it ages ago, had you just believed in your damn self, and in the POSSIBILITY of having the thing, whatever the thing may be. The truth is: Most people will never have what they want. Most people will live mediocre lives, doing shit they maybe don’t hate, but definitely TOLERATE because they think they have to, and every day they will dream that they can have what they want - but they will NEVER have it. It will never manifest fully for them.They will spend their days wishing and hoping, and crossing their fingers that one day, just maybe they will receive the things they desire. But, sadly, they will not. And this isn’t because they aren’t worthy, or undeserving, or even because they don’t know HOW – It’s because they aren’t firmly planted in the belief that it’s already theirs. Not just that they’re worthy and capable of having it, but because their belief simply isn’t strong enough. I see you working your ass off, day in and day out. I see you writing 500+ word posts every damn day of the week. I see you selling your programs. I see you engaging with your tribe. I see you buying the programs, taking the courses, doing the WORK.But you’re still not THERE yet.You can’t ever seem to GET there, can you? That coveted place that only a select group of people ever seem to get to in their life. The place...


Ok.. time for some tough love, but also a dose of HOPE for ya, if you’ve been struggling to be wealthy AF and make the money you want.  If you desire to be wealthy (I’m talking about with MONEY in this case, but of course you can be wealthy in other areas of your life, let’s just be clear about that), you need to have one thing –  The most important thing –  A STEAMY HOT, ROMANTIC, BLOW YOUR-MIND-AMAZING, RELATIONSHIP WITH YOUR MONEY. Yep. I said it.  You need to DATE your money. Make it feel loved and appreciated by you. Only then will you feel loved and appreciated by money.  (Meaning, of course, you’ll start receiving more of it, start KEEPING more of it, start feeling GOOD and safe and worthy of it.) I don’t mean to take one day a week and sneak a peek at your income/expenses and pay some bills.  I’m talking - look at your money every damn day. Give it attention and it will give you attention.  Some days there won’t be much to do, but there’s always SOMETHING to do. ALWAYS.  The reason it’s so important to look at your money daily, is so that you are aware of it. So you know what’s going on, where you stand, what you’re still working toward.  If you’re not aware, you’re just running about, doing who knows what for who knows what reason.  You’re flailing about, trying anything and everything to make that cash. And it just ain’t working, is it? You just can’t seem to translate your content/messaging into sales? Not consistently, anyway,...


  Every once in awhile I get this feeling of “I don’t wanna” when it comes to being consistent and doing the work, and I often almost convince myself that it’s probably a good thing if I take a “day off” and do something other than THE WORK. Some days the work feels HARD. Some days the work feels ANNOYING. Some days the work feels POINTLESS. And some days I really, truly do believe that I should NOT do the work. My reasoning always seems justified. Except – I want the results. And so I have a little meltdown, kick and scream for a bit, and then – I GET THE FUCK ON WITH IT. I don’t mean this to say that I force myself to do shit I hate, because that would be inaccurate. I ADORE what I do. But sometimes I’m lazy and just don’t feel like it.  Not feeling like it isn’t an excuse and it’s definitely not a reason to not show up and do the work I’ve been consistent with for so long. The funny thing is – The more I do the work, the more I love the work. And in those moments when I DO say “fuck it” and ignore the work, I feel like crap. Not in a guilty kinda way (although maybe a tiny bit), but moreso in a way of actually wanting to do it. Deep down, I ALWAYS wanna do the work. I just don’t wanna be told what to do - even by myself.  I know you feel me on that, haha! I always find it interesting...