by Cassie Howard | Jun 24, 2019 | Miscellaneous |
I used to think that setting monthly goals was enough.I’d happily sit down and write out my financial goal every month and would confidently proclaim –“This is now how much money I make every month!”But…Then I wouldn’t. Make that much money, I mean.It wasn’t because my goal was unreasonable. It wasn’t because it was out of reach. And it certainly wasn’t because I didn’t do the work.It was because I was focused on the MONTHLY goal, instead of the daily and weekly goals that needed to happen before the big monthly goal could be achieved.I often would set goals and at the end of week 1, be all “oh, I have tons of time, so it’s okay that I’m super far away from my goal!”.At the end of week 2 is when I’d start taking things more serious because “holy shit, it’s already the middle of the month and I am not even CLOSE to my goal!”.By the end of week 3, I’m having panic attacks and beating myself up about being a terrible business woman.And by the end of the month, not only habe I not reached my money goal, but I haven’t even REMOTELY come close to hitting it!…At least, that’s how things USED to be when it came to setting my money goals.At one point, I noticed this patten and decided to shake things up. I made a committment that I would do whatever was necessary to make money EVERY day, which meant it would be easier to hit my monthly goals (I also decided to set weekly goals, in addition to monthly and daily goals).From...
by Cassie Howard | Jun 24, 2019 | Miscellaneous |
I’ve been annoyed lately. Mostly because I’ve been irritated and haven’t talked about it. Which is kinda my rule (if I think it, I need to say it).. 🙂 So. Today’s the day. Here’s what I need to say: The woman you follow on Facebook that is constantly sharing how much money she makes, posting pictures of her gorgeous view of the ocean (right from her bedroom window), showing off the new pair of $5,000 shoes she just bought yesterday…What she’s not telling you is that she’s stressed as fuck.She’s lonely and wishes she had more friends (or a partner) to share her amazing life with.What she’s not telling you is that she has a horrible relationship with her parents and always feels guilty about it. What you don’t see is how much she has to talk herself up before she does that new livestream she promised you, self-conscious beyond belief about the 5 extra pounds she’s gained in the past 2 months due to stress-eating.She gets hate mail every day and has people steal her work and sell it as their own, on the regular.What’s being left out of her messaging is that she’s freaking out about money, terrified that today is the day she finally goes off the deep end. What you don’t see, don’t know, don’t even REALIZE, is that even though it appears that she’s perfect and her life is perfect, you’re only hearing one part of the story. The part she wants you to see.You see the highlight reel. The perfect photos. The vacations. The fancy purses.And to be clear – There’s nothing wrong with someone showing the highlight reel of their life....
by Cassie Howard | Jun 24, 2019 | Miscellaneous |
Here’s the truth: No one cares about you. Everyone (and I mean EVERYONE) cares about THEMSELVES more than they care about anyone else. And if they tell you they love God more, they love their kids more - whatever - they are full of shit.We are selfish motherfuckers and we care about ourselves more than ANYTHING or ANYONE else. It’s a fact.Don’t fight the fact that you’re selfish. BE SELFISH –About your businessAbout your bodyAbout your healthAbout your moneyAbout your relationshipsAbout your familyAbout your homeBe selfish about it all. PUT yourself first. You need to be first if you ever want to support others anyway.It’s not wrong to want nice things, to want a ton of money, to live a first-class life. That is not WRONG. What’s wrong is not allowing yourself to have it all.That’s the real crime.So how does this tie in with people not buying your stuff?Simple: They aren’t buying because you’re making the sale all about YOU.And like I said, people don’t give a shit about you. They only care about how you can help THEM. What they can get from you. That’s what you need to be putting in your message every single time you sell. You can’t just ask someone to give you money if you don’t first tell them exactly what they’ll get in return.In all your sales messages, remember to include – :: Value, first and foremost (this makes it easier for you to sell without feeling sleazy because you gave them a ton of free, VALUABLE content first):: The pain points of your ideal client or customer. How are they feeling right now? What...
by Cassie Howard | Jun 24, 2019 | Miscellaneous |
It’s amazing how those moments in life that ended up being the BEST times are the ones that we were somewhat resistant to get involved with in the first place, due to fear.I always find it funny how the things that have the biggest impact on my life, are the biggest deal, give me the greatest impact and joy, are the things that at one point scared the living crap out of me.Like that time I jumped into the lake without knowing how to swim and trusting I would “figure it out” (I didn’t, but it was still fun - so much so that I ended up doing it all week long).Like that time I put $6,000 on a credit card, $6,000 that I didn’t actually have, and trusted a complete stranger to help me get my coaching business off the ground.Like that time I bought my first house and put 20% down, when the average down-payment was only 5%.Like that time I hired my incredible assistant and trusted her with my information, my money, my company, and trusted that she had the best intentions.Like that time I hosted my very first in-person event and felt like I was going to puke all day long due to nerves.Like that time I launched my $30,000 mentorship program (and then immediately signed on a new client with ease).Like that time I invested over $20,000 in a new coach without knowing much about her, just trusting my gut that she was “the one”.All of those scary moments ended up being the BEST moments in my life.Do you want to know why?Because I...
by Cassie Howard | Jun 24, 2019 | Miscellaneous |
Something that’s been coming up a lot for me lately, both in conversations with my clients & students in my programs, but also for myself in my own journaling and meditations is this: You’re not receiving what you want because you’re simply not choosing it. I receive with ease all the damn time, and many of my clients & students do as well, but truthfully, there’s been a whole lot o’ settling going on.Settling with how much money you make.Settling with how quickly you receive what you want.Settling with how and when and why you’re showing up.Settling with what experiences you’re having.A lesson I’m constantly learning myself is being open to receiving MORE, and I invite you to be open to the same, today!I struggled a lot with money for much of my life. It wasn’t that long ago that I was over $50,000 in debt, barely able to make ends meet. This wasn’t because I was “bad” with money (though I constantly used that as an excuse, mind you!). It wasn’t because I wasn’t TRYING to do better.It’s simply because I was settling. I was “okay” with being in debt. I was okay with making JUST ENOUGH to cover the bills, and nothing more. I was okay with always having a new money problem to solve.In fact, I think I somewhat LIKED the idea of solving money problems. No wonder I was always given more problems to solve! Clearly you love money, you want money, you truly DESIRE money, and you GET IT. I see you working your ass off, I see you doing the WORK, and I see you making the MONEY, HONEY,...