by Cassie Howard | Jun 24, 2019 | Miscellaneous |
★ Wake up and choose it. Choose happiness. I don’t care what annoying shit is going on in your life right now. It doesn’t matter what happened yesterday. Today you choose whether to be happy or not. ★ Be yourself 100% of the time. A lot of people won’t like you because of it. A lot of people won’t understand you. And a lot of people will love the shit out of you because you keep it real. But most importantly? It’s just so much EASIER to be you and not the phony version of you that you think people want to see.★ Say what you know needs to be said to the people you know need to hear it. You will offend people. You will hurt feelings. You will have so much shit talked about you behind your back (and sometimes to your face) because of this. Do it anyway. You’re changing lives, and whether those people want to admit it or not, they need you. And again, it’s so much easier to speak the truth than it is to bite your tongue.★ Spend time in the sunshine. Slather on the sunscreen; no one likes cancer. Soak up the rays. Remember to close your eyes, lean back, and let the sun hit your face. Feel the warmth. Breathe in the air deeply. (This is the #1 thing that makes me feel happiness.)★ Journal. Write. Every day. Even if it’s just 2 short sentences. Clear out your head and get it onto paper (actual paper, with a pen, none of this writing on your laptop bullshit, that’s not the same). Call...
by Cassie Howard | Jun 24, 2019 | Miscellaneous |
It’s been almost 2 weeks since I released my very first print book. It’s still weird to walk by a bookshelf and see my face on it. It’s been an incredible experience and I’m so thankful for it, and for everyone that supported me on this journey. This morning, I was thinking about all the things that went right with this release, and all the things I would do differently next time.. it was pretty eye-opening, so I thought I’d share, in case you were considering publishing a book of your own, too. 😉1. Publishing a book is REALLY easy.I was terrified that it would be hard, and would require a lot of time, money and effort on my part, to write a book and launch it into the world.Turns out that none of that is true. It’s actually one of the easiest things I’ve done!2. It doesn’t need to take a long time to get your book written and into the hands of others. I’d read countless stories and articles from successful authors who confessed that it took them a year or more to write their book, and often the same amount of time to publish it after it was written.I am not a patient person, so I REALLY didn’t like the idea of waiting around 2 years or more to write and release a book! I decided in the middle of 2018 that I would write a book and that I would release it at the beginning of 2019. And here we are. 🙂 When you’re committed to something, and you put forth the effort to make it happen, it will happen. 3. Don’t be...
by Cassie Howard | Jun 24, 2019 | Miscellaneous |
It’s so easy to get caught up in thinking and believing that in order for you to receive/have/experience something you desire, you need to somehow figure out HOW to make it happen.But that very act is what’s blocking you from ever MANIFESTING it and having it in your life. The whole CONCEPT of planning for something, and following some kind of system just. doesn’t. work. Not in the way it was meant to be, anyway!The truth is – The truth that many are unwilling to believe because it seems too GOOD to be true (yet it is true!) – Is that there IS no ‘how’.There is only soul.The way to discovering WHAT it is you must do? Is to tune into your soul, ask for guidance, and act accordingly. The way to manifesting your greatest desires is not to ask HOW, but to ask WHAT. ‘What must I do now, in this moment?”“What is the aligned next action to take?”“What would feel good?”“What must I believe in order to receive ____?”Asking HOW is just whining and it get’s ya nowhere. 😉 The HOW will come forth and get DONE without you even trying because you are following soul guidance and doing what feels good in each moment (which is FLOW and flow is what allows you to manifest quickly and easily). You do not need to pre-plan the how. In each moment, you must ask yourself – “What now? What’s next?” And then you act, based on how you feel. You see, you get a PHYSICAL response when an answer comes to you, and that physical response is an indicator to whether or not you should listen to the answer and take...
by Cassie Howard | Jun 24, 2019 | Miscellaneous |
I used to believe that in order for me to make money I had to do a bunch of boring shit that I hated, and in order for me to make A LOT of money, I was confident that I’d have to sacrifice in a big way. I thought I had the answer to success: First you do the work, then you make the money. The harder you work, the more money you will receive. From a young age, I knew that I wanted to be what I would now call “beyond wealthy” (so wealthy that you can do and have anything, any time, with zero restrictions). I knew that I WOULD be beyond wealthy. I just didn’t know HOW. Until I discovered the “secret” (which wasn’t really as a secret, as EVERYONE and their mother was preaching about it) - work harder. Work hard, make money.Work harder, make more money. Work harder still, make even MORE money.And on and on. I decided I would work hard, and then harder, and then harder still.And the money came, yes it did, but do you want to know what happened next? It came in small little piles here and there. Nowhere near what I was expecting to receive for the amount of time I was spending “doing the work”. I was spending upwards of 20+ hours per day on doing the work. (Seriously. I rarely slept.) I was writing, posting in Facebook groups, selling, creating new opt-ins, creating landing pages, updating my website, contacting people to have me on their podcast/blog/as a guest expert in their FB group, setting up Facebook ads, shooting videos, promoting my offers, posting on Instagram.. I...
by Cassie Howard | Jun 24, 2019 | Miscellaneous |
If there’s one thing I never quite understood years ago, when beginning my businesses, was how to surrender. I let the doubts and the fears take over and lead me down whatever path it chose (which was often not one that worked out well for me).I did all the things the “experts” told me to do to be successful.I did webinars. I chased down potential clients constantly.I went to networking events. I invested in mentors. I did free challenges. I hosted livestreams.I charged super low prices. … I did all the things. And sure, some of them worked in the short-term, but never for very long, if at all. I always felt myself back at that point again - you know the one of feeling just so overwhelmed and frustrated with it all?There were many times I wanted to quit. To go and get a “regular” job that was more stable (LOL to that belief!).I had so many days that were filled to the brim with a bunch of shit I didn’t want to do, but did because I thought I was supposed to. Every night I went to bed exhausted, and often not much further ahead than I was the day before. Eventually I called in sick on the STUFF.I said “fuck this shit, I’m not doing it”, and I didn’t do a damn thing on my to-do list that didn’t feel fun and exciting. There were 2 things left: “write something” and “sell ______” (whatever program I was selling at the time). And then I did a bunch of other stuff that I FELT like doing. Stuff that most people would see as a waste of time.I watched TV...