That time I got a little out of control and JOURNALED success in my life!

That time I got a little out of control and JOURNALED success in my life!


Yesterday I got into a funk. An “I’m not good enough” funk.

What I wrote sucked. 
What I said to clients sucked.
What I thought about my business sucked.
What I complained about sucked.

I got too caught up in paying attention to someone else and how THEY were rocking it and how, compared to them, I wasn’t. 

I was going the comparision thing again, and as I’ve said before, that’s NEVER a smart move. Because then you start doubting yourself and your own abilities. You start doubting just how amazing you really are an how many lives you touch every single day just by showing up.

Luckily, it’s easy for me to recognize when I’m doing this kind of thing pretty quickly now, and it wasn’t long before I was back in the zone again.

I picked up my journal and started writing whatever came out.

I am awesome.
I am fucking incredible at what I do.
My clients love me. 
I love my clients and my community. 
I rock the stage every time I take it. 
Opportunities come at me all the time.
I show up and happily do the work.
I change lives every day. 
I am a fucking superhero. 

I kept going. Pages and pages of me telling myself how I am the baddest chick on the block, how I am a super successful woman with a mission, how I am changing the world. How I’m fucking AMAZING at everything.

Ego stroking x a million.

Once that was done and I put the pen down, I was LIT UP. On fire. Ready to burst at the seams. 

I had to get my message out there more. I had to show up more. I had to SCREAM it out of me. I had to continue to be the best of the very best. 

And so I did. And low and behold, magic started to happen in my life and in the lives of those closest to me. I starting making more and more sales in just a few hours, I had a new 1:1 mentorship client sign up (excited to work with you, girl!!!), my babe Courtney Nicole Good had some incredible connections happen with HUGE opportunities basically falling at her feet, clients signed on new clients of their own.

I started getting messages from women I had never spoken to before, that said my message that day really touched them and lit a fire under their ass.

I was making an impact. I was making an INCOME. And I was doing this just by showing up and being ME. Not someone I *think* I need to be. Not trying to replicate someone else and their message. And certainly not by hiding.

I’m a fucking badass in my own right.
I do what needs to be done to succeed.
I learn and learn and learn some more, to master my craft.
I show up, completely raw and unfiltered, every day.
I make up my mind and just fucking do it. 
I never let lack of money stop me from investing in something or someone that can help me grow.
I only do what feels good and inspire others to do the same.
I work hard. Really fucking hard. And it pays off.
I am a MACHINE. A well-oiled machine that gets the damn results!

I’ve learned the hard way just how BAD of an idea it is to let your mindset work slide. I know how painful things can be if you don’t first work on YOU, before you do anything else. And when you get stuck, when you feel like shit, when you want to run & hide, get out that journal and WRITE YOUR FEELINGS. Allow yourself to FEEL those feelings - but only for a short while - let it ALL out. 

Then snap the fuck out of it, stroke your ego, put your head down, and get to work

Because you are NEEDED. Your clients need you, your community needs you, the world needs you. They need to hear what you have to say. They want you and they CRAVE you because you are the light in their lives.

Be that light. Never stop.