Here’s the thing about CHANGE and having it ALL –

Here’s the thing about CHANGE and having it ALL –

Your life can change in an instant, if you let it. 

You KNOW deep inside of you that you were meant to do big things with your life. 

You KNOW you were born to change the world with your words.

You KNOW you were born to be a leader and to share your message in a big way.

You KNOW you were born to make A LOT of money doing what you love and helping others.

You KNOW you were born for MORE than what you’re currently experiencing. 



So let’s get right into it then – 

Why DON’T you have everything you want? 

Well, 2 reasons: 

  1. You don’t believe it’s possible to have it all.
  2. You aren’t doing what’s necessary to have it.

That’s really all there is to it. You get what you ask for and work for. Not what you cross your fingers and hope for. 

So let’s examine these 2 reasons a bit closer: 


If your belief is lacking, you’re going to reject any opportunity that comes your way, oftentimes without even realizing it. Opportunities that very well may hand you EXACTLY what you want.

Maybe you think that it seems too good to be true, it can’t be THAT easy, can it? Well, take a look around at the successful people doing what you do. Do they have it all? If so, then it’s possible for you, too.

No, it likely won’t be easy, but nothing worth having comes easy anyway, so let’s get that out of your head right now. 🙂

Maybe it feels selfish to even WANT to have it all. But what’s really selfish? Keeping your talents to yourself. Not sharing what you know with others so that they can experience the same joy, the same fulfillment, the same passion, that you feel.

People are DYING to know what you know, and so it’s actually selfish of you to NOT sell that knowledge to them.

Maybe you believe that other people just got “lucky” and that’s why they have it all, it couldn’t possibly be possible for you, too, to have it all. But if you read books or articles written by any of those people you assume are “lucky”, you’ll likely find that it wasn’t luck at all that made them successful. It was belief, focus, determination and plain old HARD WORK that got them to where they’re at.

Meaning you can easily replicate the same hustle and get the same results.

What you really need to do? Start acting as if what you want has already manifested. You are already living your dream life. Appreciate and express immense gratitude for what you already have, while continuing to call in and ask for more. Journal every day about your dream life as if you’ve already manifested it. Open yourself up to receive more. Call in what you want daily.


Well, ain’t that irresponsible of you. 

How can you expect to get something you want if you aren’t willing to do what’s necessary to get it? You can’t go halfway in with your life and big dreams. You MUST go all the way in with everything. All of the time. It’s just plain SELFISH of you not to. 

Think of all the people that need to hear what you have to say. Think of how they will continue to suffer until you finally speak some sense into them and I bet you’ll agree that by not showing up and speaking to them daily (ALL DAY!), you’re being selfish and irresponsible.

I’m not saying just hop on Facebook once a day and give your “top 3 tips on ____”.

You have to go deeper. You have to share your big message with the world. You have to speak some sense into them. 

And then? 

And then you have to show them the way. You have to LIVE your message and show it to your community, on repeat, every single day of the week. You have to practice what you preach. You have to be a leader. 

You have to show up, put on your hustle pants, put your head down and get to work. You have to create, sell, deliver value, day in and day out. You have to be present. You have to engage. You have to BE THERE for your people. 

What this means in practical terms? Show up every day and give VALUE. Share valuable content in multiple places online. Be in as many places as possible. Spread your message/content FAR so you can reach the most people. Sell every day. Remember that it’s selfish of you not to, and to keep your knowledge to yourself is a freakin’ SIN. Grow your community with ads, with constant promotion - remember that the more people in your tribe, the more of an impact you make, and the more money you make. Commit to doing whatever it takes to have what you want.

Please believe me when I say – 

You CAN, without a doubt, be, do and have EVERYTHING you want. 

You CAN have it all. 

You CAN live your life in integrity, you can make money being you and sharing your gifts with the world, and it can be fun and easy.

But first.
And most importantly. 
What you REALLY need to do?

Believe that what you want is possible and then do the freaking work to make it happen.

I believe in you.