This is the ONLY reason you quit!

This is the ONLY reason you quit!


Is when you’re done.
You give up.
You forfeit.
You just DON’T CARE anymore.

That’s when it’s over.

That’s when you can call a GAME OVER and move the fuck on.

You don’t quit because you’re tired. My god, get over yourself. You think you’re the only person who’s tired?

Do you really think you’re the only person on earth who has a kid that kept you up all night? That got sick and doesn’t feel 100%? That had a rough night and would prefer to sleep in?

Welcome to adulthood! Shit happens! Life ain’t always raindows and unicorns. Sometimes you have bad days when all you want to do is SLEEP THE DAY AWAY.

Get your ass up anyway. Don’t use that BS excuse about being tired. That is NOT a valid excuse to say no to your purpose.

You don’t quit because you’re frustrated. Use that frustration and channel it into your work. I’m frustrated right now and instead of throwing my hands up in the air and yelling “fuck it!”, I’m writing this.

Because content = release = flow = purpose.

And it’s ALL ABOUT THE PURPOSE. What kind of leader would I be if I called it quits evert time I got frustrated?

What kind of leader are YOU?

You don’t get to quit because you don’t know something, or you think it’s complicated, or you’re not sure, or you’re confused.


You LEARN. You think you’re gonna know EVERYTHING? Really? You think we all wake up fucking geniuses that know ALL.OF.THE.THINGS?

Incorrect, friend.

We’re all (ALL) just winging it. We don’t know it all. We just know a few things and those few things are valuable to the people who follow us.

You know SOMETHING that other people need to also know about. Teach them THAT.

And then commit to learn and learn and learn some freakin’ more.

{Sidenote: If you’re not learning something new on a daily basis, get on top of that shit. The more you learn, the more you earn, baby!}

You don’t get to quit because it’s too hard.

This just makes me “awwwww” and then immediately make me want to punch you. #sorrynotsorry

It’s too hard? THAT is the excuse you’re gonna go with?

Well guess what –


It’s ALWAYS gonna be hard! But the good news is that it doesn’t FEEL hard when you’re doing something you freakin’ love and are badass at.

You just end up LOVING the hard work instead of wanting to up and quit because of it.

You don’t get to quit.

You don’t get to quit.


That is, unless you’re ready to give up on yourself and your purpose. In which case, there ain’t nothing left for you to see here.

The fears, frustration, resistance, anger, annoyances, complications, uncertainty…

That’s NORMAL and that’s part of being an entrepreneur. If you can’t learn to deal with that shit and do the work anyway, then I’m sorry but, you weren’t born with the entrepreneur gene.