This morning I was journaling about my soulmate clients and who I desired to be working with and supporting right now (something I do pretty much daily), and I was writing, I realized that I already DO work with these people! And if I don’t work with them privately, they’re in my membership program or part of some other type of group offer I’m running. 

I started asking myself:

“How did this get so easy?”

“How could I possibly be working with such badasses that inspire ME on the regular?”

“How the hell did this happen?”

And it hit me like a ton of bricks – 

It happened because I decided it was going to happen. I wrote it out my journal every single freakin’ day that I only worked with soulmate clients. It also happened because I was super clear on who those clients were exactly – 

Their personality traits
Their beliefs
Their attitude 
Their goals and dreams
Their vision

I got clear on – 

How they felt about certain things
What they stood for
What they were 100% AGAINST
How they spent their time
How they acted and performed

I got clear on it ALL.

I was very, VERY specific. And now? Now, the only clients I work with are badass men & women that are the EXACT soulmate clients I write about each day!

Not even just as paying clients, but my COMMUNITY as a whole. Everyone that sets foot into my Facebook Group or joins my mailing list is a Badass Boss™ that fits all the criteria I’ve personally outlined as “soulmate material”! And if they aren’t (sometimes they sneak in!)? Well, they filter themselves out pretty quickly and just disappear. 😉


I love thay you are receptive to my advice and guidance.
I love that you are extremely loyal.
I love that you KNOW I am the mentor for you and no one else even compares.
I love that you are hard-working.
I love that you want to live a VIP, luxury lifestyle.
I love that we connect on a soul level.
I love that you love to travel.
I love that you love me for me. 
I love that you continue working with me over and over (I can’t get enough of YOU, either!).
I love that you are so smart.
I love that you show up every day and do the work.
I love that we’re such great friends.
I love that you send me daily testimonials.
I love that you are both trusting and trustworthy.
I love that you love the hustle!
I love that you always pay your bills on time.
I love that you are so fun to speak to and be around.
I love that you are a super-fast action-taker.
I love that you always trust your gut.
I love that you recommend me to everyone (thank you!).
I love that you respect my time.
I love that you are so inspiring to me.
I love that you always get incredible financial results while working with me.
I love that you can manifest like a boss!
I love that you are confident.
I love that you are clear on your big vision/message/why.

I love that you are YOU and that you are a part of my community.

I am grateful to know you, to speak with you every day, to guide you, to support you, and to love you, day after day after day!

You are a breath of fresh air in an otherwise stale world.

You are incredible JUST THE WAY YOU ARE, please don’t ever change. 

So many people need to hear from you. Won’t you please speak up and say something? Today, right now, go do it. I’ll wait.



Okay, so continuing on…

I just want to say that if I’m able to call in fucking AMAZING people like you to my life, you can do the same for yours. 

You can call in whoever you want! Anyone! Really!

It starts by making a decision that it’s already done. Affirming that every day. And then taking consistent action until it’s starts to manifest right in front of you, almost like magic. It’s a pretty incredible thing to witness and understand. 🙂 

Your words and your message is SO very needed. Speak it every day. Call in those soulmate clients and members of your community. Remind them of who they are and why they are important to you. Remind yourself that you deserve to only surround yourself with the best of the best!