Do you find it hard to ever get ahead?

Do you feel as though as soon as things start going well for you, they quickly then come CRASHING down?

You make more money, then you lose it.
You grow your community, and then people leave.
You create more content, and then you stop.

It just never seems to continue.. the good stuff, I mean… right?

Well, I hate to be the one to break it to you, but that’s your own fault.

If you want things to be amazing, you have to make them amazing. If you want things to STAY amazing, you have to make sure they STAY amazing! 

You’re the one that’s sabbotaging yourself and your success. It doesn’t matter what’s happening in your world, the experiences that you are having right now are all on YOU. No other outside source is conspiring against you. Those experiences are all being brought on by YOU. 

The sabbotaging you’re doing to yourself right now? It’s time to put an end to it, don’t you think?


1. You’re giving up too easily.

Let me just tell you that in all seriousness: it gets harder before it gets easier, but it DOES get easier.

Failure and mistakes are a beautiful part of the process. Instead of being pissed off and upset when they happen, learn to embrace and learn from them. 

Give yourself permission to fuck it all up, if that’s what’s necessary to create the life that you want. Sometimes you have to hit rock bottom before you can rise to the top. You will only learn, grow and become BETTER because of that experience.

Never, ever give up on your dreams, no matter how dire things may seem. Oftentimes, your next big break is right around the corner. Don’t stop.

2. You’re comparing yourself to others.

This is one of the most self-defeating habits you can have. The more you look at other people that are doing “better” than you, the more shitty you feel about yourself. 

But the thing is, you don’t know how successful that person truly is. You have no way of knowing what their life is actually like, how much money they have in their bank accounts, how happy (or not) they are in their relationships…

All you see is what they allow you to see. And what you probably DON’T see, is that they are going through a lot of the same shit that you are! Because we’re all human, and we all struggle sometimes. 

It’s normal to look at others and want what they have. And I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that, as long as you use it as inspiration instead of playing the comparison game. The next time you hear about or see someone with something that you want, say “good for them, that’s awesome!”, and truly celebrate their success, and then use that as fuel to go after what YOU want even more.

3. You’re finding every reason to stall.

All you’re doing right now is coming up with excuse after excuse about why you can’t go all in, why you can’t take things to the next level – 

In your business
In your relationships
With your money
With your lifestyle
With your health

Drop your excuses and do what needs to be done. No whining. No complaining about how you don’t wanna, or it’s too hard, or you’re not sure HOW, or you don’t feel well, or whatever other bullshit excuse you come up with.

When you catch yourself trying to come up with excuse to get out of doing something that you know you NEED to do, say “Even though this isn’t what I’d like to do right now, I choose to do it, because I know it will help me, and will be worth the effort”. And then DO IT, excuses be damned!

4. You’re not putting everything on the line. 

If the result you’re working towards is worth it, you WILL do whatever it takes to have it, and that involves putting EVERYTHING on the line. 

I’m talking about investing money you may or may not have
Spending hours and hours and HOURS learning and training your mind for success
Doing the work, day in and day out, no matter what else is going on in your life
Committing your entire LIFE to this work you know you were born to do

I promise you that as long as you’re doing your soul’s work, and you’re going after what you TRULY want, putting everything on the line WILL be worth it. It always is.

5. You’re not devoting time to your mindset work.

Nothing works if your mindset is out of whack. I don’t care how many sales activities you did today, or how many new offers you created, or how many people you added to your email list – 

It will all be for nothing if you don’t have the right MINDSET to hold on to what you have and create more of what you want.

You can’t create something positive from a negative mind, you see. 🙂 

You know this, and yet you continue to avoid this work. You don’t do your journaling. You skip practicing gratitude. You “forget” to focus on your dream life/goals. 

No more of that. Every day, commit to spending time working on your mindset. It could be through journaling, working with a mindset goal, reading mindset books, watching inspiring videos or listening to inspiring audios/podcasts, or a combination. No matter what you choose, just know that it’s worth the effort.

6. You’re not listening to your gut.

With every single decision that you make, your gut should be the only deciding factor. It has no hidden agenda. It’s not looking out for anyone but YOU. 

You MUST learn to trust your gut. It’s the boss. It’s in charge. It knows what you REALLY want, even if you’re too scared to admit it to yourself. The more you trust your gut, the better you will feel about your decisions, and most importantly, the better decisions you will make. 

Always trust your gut. 

It never lies.

7. You’re trying to do everything on your own.

I know you’re a badass and everything. I know you are pretty much superhuman with all of the stuff you can get done in a day. But what I also know is that you’re feeling EXHAUSTED right now. You feel DRAINED. 

But yet, you get up every day, and while you continue to do the work (and I honor your commitment to that!), you do it from a foggy perspective. Because you aren’t all there. You can’t be all there when you’re doing it all on your own. You become scatter-brained and although almost everything gets done, nothing gets done the way you want it to. 

This is why you need to ask for help and know that it’s OKAY to ask for help. In fact, it’s outrageous that you haven’t asked for help yet, and you’re doing yourself and your community a disservice by NOT asking for help. Because when you have help, you can then focus only on the stuff that YOU are really good that and that you love, which always produces better work. 🙂

Doing everything on your own is one of the main reasons it’s taking you so long and costing you so much to achieve your goals. Stop saying you will wait until you have the money before you hire someone to help you. You can’t afford NOT to hire help right now. You’re losing and missing out on more money by not getting the help you know you need.

Start today. Hire someone to help you, even if it’s only for an hour or two per week. You can always increase it later. The goal is to start now!

8. You’re not speaking to your audience enough.

I know this may seem obvious, but it clearly ISN’T, otherwise you’d be doing it already: 

SHOW THE FUCK UP. Every single day.

Show your community that you care about them and you want to help them by showing up every day and sharing something of value. You don’t have to spend hours upon hours posting on social media, you don’t need to send daily emails, you don’t need to constantly be interacting in your Facebook group – 

But you do need to show up in some way on a daily basis. 

You don’t want people to forget about you, right? So be there. In front of them. Speaking your message, loud and clear. EVERY DAMN DAY OF THE WEEK. (I promise, it’s NOT that hard and it absolutely doesn’t require much time at all.)

9. You’ve forgotten how to have fun.

This whole “Monetize Your Life” thing is gonna be way more successful for you when you lighten up and learn how to actually have FUN! 

Make sure that you’re doing somethng fun every day and as you’re doing that fun thing, focus on the energy you feel around doing it. For example, yesterday I was feeling a bit stressed about how busy the next 3 days were going to be, so I closed my laptop and went and played hockey with the kids. Everyone was laughing and having a great time, and it was so much FUN!

I recognized that my body was pretty much BUZZING while we were playing and I focused on that energy to stay in that super high-vibe mood. When I eventually opened up the laptop again (still buzzing), I had received some messages from my team that a bunch of things on my calendar for the next few days were cancelled or moved to next week. My high energy pretty much shifted the stress by dropping some of my commitments for the week! 

In other words: The more fun you have, the better things work out for you. 😉 

10. You aren’t focusing on what you actually want.

This is one of those concepts that I’m sure you’ve heard before, but admit you aren’t practicing (at least, not as much as you should): 

Instead of focusing on what you don’t have (or what you do have that you don’t want), you MUST focus on what you actually desire. Then, and only then, will you be able to see the path in front of you to obtaining that thing that you want.

I was doing this with my house search. For the past month or so, I was focusing on all of the stuff I didn’t like about our current home instead of focusing on what my dream home has, and so all I did was make our current house appear worse than it actually is, which made me feel like crap, and since I wasn’t in the right abundance mindset, I pushed away what I desired - which was my DREAM home. 

It wasn’t until I made a decision that I was going to find and secure the lease for my new home in X amount of time and DAILY write out where my dream home was located and what it looked like/included that I not only found my dream home, but I secured the lease just a few days later and now have a move-in date set for just 3 WEEKS from now,

You see – 

It’s not that the universe is conspiring against you.

It’s not that you suck at what you do. 

It’s not that you don’t have what it takes.

You just need to decide, right now, that you WILL do what it takes. You will make the commitment. You will do the work.

And in the end, yes – 

You WILL be, do and have EVERYTHING you want.