I’ve had it. I’m sick and tired of the way you’re being ripped off, the way I was also ripped off -
From coaches and mentors everywhere. Trying to tell you how to create a “soul-aligned”, a “badass”, a “dream” business in a way that is complete and total BULLSHIT.
You’ve been fed lies. They took your money and they ran. You’re standing there, naked, with nothing to show for the investment you made.
Time to bring this out in the open. Time to talk some serious shit about those who have been serving up daily dishes of crap and shoving it in your face.
The truth is about to drop. It’s about damn time.
LIE #1: You need a massive email list in order to make money. WRONG! You need an email list full of QUALITY leads.
LIE #2: You need to hire a coach to make money online. WRONG! You need to hire a coach if you want to get results extra fast. Not just to get results in general.
LIE #3: You need to shoot videos and do Facebook lives. WRONG! You need to create content and show up for your community in a way that feels good to you.
LIE #4: You need to have a Facebook group of your own or post in other Facebook groups in order to make money. WRONG! You need to SELL to make money.
LIE #5: You need to work with 1:1 clients before you can start selling group offerings. WRONG! You need to sell what you feel called to sell; that’s what actually makes you money because you are passionate about it and people love to buy from a passionate person.
LIE #6: You need to wake up early and be a morning person if you ever want to be successful. WRONG! You need to do your daily priority tasks. No one gives a shit WHEN you do them, as long as they’re done every day.
LIE #7: You need to invest thousands and thousands of dollars before you will make a profit. Invest in yourself before you can expect someone else to invest in you. WRONG! You need to do the right things every day, consistently. If you desire support & accountability, feel free to hire someone to help with that. But it is NOT necessary.
LIE #8: You need to run webinars and pay for Facebook Ads to grow your list. WRONG! You need to show up and share incredibly valuable content.
Listen –
There are trainings everywhere. Classes everywhere. Programs everywhere. Coaches everywhere.
All promising to teach you one thing -
How to make money online.
But the problem with all of these trainings, classes, programs, and even coaches is that it takes SO damn long before you actually get results, doesn’t it? You have to listen, learn, implement little by little, get results little by little, and how does that end up feeling?
You feel stressed.
You feel annoyed.
You feel pissed off that you aren’t where you want to be… still.
You’ve got all of the talent in the world but it’s not helping you right now. You just keep taking more and more programs. More and more programs. Hiring one coach, then another, then another, and still…
You’re not much further ahead than had you just fucking did what was necessary in the first place, which is this:
What’s with all of this “it takes time” crap? Why are you believing the bullshit lies of it being normal to take years before you finally get to have the results that you want?
Take it from someone who grew their business from $0 to $1 million dollars in less than 3 years (and that’s $1 million in PROFIT, not sales) and my first paying client in less than 60 days : You absolutely do not have to wait to have more money, more freedom, more clients, more fun, more anything.
You can have it all right now. No waiting.
It starts with making a decision: I will do what it takes, on matter what. No matter the sacrifices, no matter the cost, no matter the requirements on my part.
From there, you want to find out the most important information from the best people who can give it to you, consume that content, and take action on that content immediately. Implement, implement, implement.
Wouldn’t it be exciting if you could learn EVERYTHING you need to know about building a successful, PROFITABLE personal brand in just one day? But only what you MUST learn, not what you don’t.
The problem with most courses and workshops around making money online, is that they give you too much information and most of it is POINTLESS. Most of it is not necessary for you to understand until you’ve been in business for MANY years.
And a lot of it you will NEVER need to know. It’s filler. It’s fluff. And it’s fucking irritating that they are selling this shit to you.
I’m sorry you bought into the lie that you needed that crap.
You’re now going to find out exactly why it was crap and what you ACTUALLY need instead…
Hustle Camp: A full day immersion in growing your community, attracting soulmate clients, creating offers that feel good, making money, and having a damn good time running the business of your life and mastering the dream life you’ve always dreamed of.
I can hardly contain how excited I am to bring you this workshop. Something that is so DESPERATELY needed in this industry. A full day to immerse yourself in the stuff that actually MATTERS, not the stuff other people tell you that you should do.
Only the stuff that works. Only the tasks that will make you money.
All tied up in a big, pretty bow, COMPLETE with a “Strategy Outline” so you know what to do first, then next, then next after that, and so on. Following the plan = $$$ in the bank.
We’ll be covering -
:: Clarity. Around your business, your message, your ideal clients, and your big why.
:: Action. What to do each day, each week, each month, and each year for the ultimate results.
:: Intentions. For money, business, growth, clients, and lifestyle.
:: Money. How to make it, how to grow it, and how to leverage it.
:: Community. Including attraction, engagement, monetization, and growth.
:: Content. What to create, how often, in what way, and how to get it in front of more people.
:: Social Media. Where to spend your time, what to share, monetization, and increasing your followers.
:: List Building. Growing your list, creating compelling opt-ins, and making money through email.
:: Mindset. Journaling and visualization exercises that will get you focused, inspired and seeing serious results in record time.
:: Copywriting. Knowing what to say, when to say it, and how to say it in a way that gets people to do what you want.
:: Branding. Branding you, your message and your lifestyle so that you stand out, and EVERYONE knows who you are.
Hustle Camp is unlike ANY training or workshop you’ve signed up for in the past, for these reasons:
- It eliminates anything not ABSOLUTELY necessary.
- It’s constructed with “avoid overwhelm” in mind. (Meaning: It’s easy, it won’t be stressful, and you’ll actually enjoy yourself instead of being overwhelmed with having so much to do!)
- You’ll leave with a money & success strategy in hand. You won’t have to figure that out on your own.
- You’ll make money within 24 hours, if not sooner than that!
Show me another person promising these kinds of results and I’ll pay YOU! 😉
You get immediate access to the training, and you will have access to the recording for LIFE, so you can listen to it any time you want. 🙂
I’m going to walk you through exactly how I built my business to where it is today, working with high-level, soulmate clients, earning half a million dollars a year and growing, COMPLETELY on my terms, never following the rules, being 100% ME.
Honesty time:
✘ Hustle Camp is not going to give you a million and one pieces of information. It will, however, give you ALL of the information you need to know if you want to make money, grow your tribe and have a business and lifestyle you are head over heels in love with.
✘ I’m not going to tell you to do anything that I haven’t done myself.
✘ I’m not going to teach you anything that I don’t understand.
✘ I’m not going to share only the good experiences I’ve had.
But what I AM going to do is this:
✔ I’m going to give you ALL of the lessons you NEED, that you can implement right now - TODAY - and start getting results from straight away. If you implement what you learn the same day you learn it, you’ll make your money back within 24 hours. That’s how good this stuff is. That’s how EASY it can be.
✔ I’ll share with you every single thing that has ever worked for me in terms of growing my community, list building, creating content, selling, hosting events, coming up with new offers often, hiring team members, making money every day, mindset hacking, increasing social media followers and engagement, and more.
✔ I have so much stuff lined up for you, but I promise that it’s only stuff that you need and nothing that you don’t.
✔Every mistake I’ve made, I’ll tell you, and explain in detail how to avoid making the same mistakes. Every huge win and secret, I’ll spill it, and teach you how to have the same wins in your life.
The day is going to little like this:
SESSION 1: Clarity, money, intentions, actions, implementation time.
SESSION 2: Community, offers, list building, social media, implementation time.
SESSION 3: Mindset, branding, content, copywriting, implementation time.
You’ll be able to move forward and implement with ease, which means you’ll be getting results and making money with ease, too. Sounds good, right?
Click the button below and say YES now and you’ll get the following:
:: Over 4 full hours of content & support around building a successful online business
:: Actual “To Implement” task list for you to follow along and complete
:: A “Walk Away & Do” strategy in your hand so you can continue implementing after the workshop
Ready to throw away the faulty business plans you’ve been given and actually do the work that works? Click the button above and let’s get started!
Don’t forget –
You really can be, do and have EVERYTHING you want. Say YES to you and take action now!