★ Wake up and choose it. Choose happiness. I don’t care what annoying shit is going on in your life right now. It doesn’t matter what happened yesterday. Today you choose whether to be happy or not. 

★ Be yourself 100% of the time. A lot of people won’t like you because of it. A lot of people won’t understand you. And a lot of people will love the shit out of you because you keep it real. But most importantly? It’s just so much EASIER to be you and not the phony version of you that you think people want to see.

★ Say what you know needs to be said to the people you know need to hear it. You will offend people. You will hurt feelings. You will have so much shit talked about you behind your back (and sometimes to your face) because of this. Do it anyway. You’re changing lives, and whether those people want to admit it or not, they need you. And again, it’s so much easier to speak the truth than it is to bite your tongue.

★ Spend time in the sunshine. Slather on the sunscreen; no one likes cancer. Soak up the rays. Remember to close your eyes, lean back, and let the sun hit your face. Feel the warmth. Breathe in the air deeply. (This is the #1 thing that makes me feel happiness.)

★ Journal. Write. Every day. Even if it’s just 2 short sentences. Clear out your head and get it onto paper (actual paper, with a pen, none of this writing on your laptop bullshit, that’s not the same). Call in the things you desire. Consider them done. Act accordingly.

★ Express gratitude for everyone and everything in your life every single day. This one simple exercise will increase your happiness ten-fold and is one of the most simple “tasks” you can do each day. Totally worth your time.

★ Surround yourself with people who build you up and make you a better person. Eliminate everyone from your life who tears you down, isn’t supportive, or is just an overall negative person. This may have to be your closest friends, family, even a parent. It won’t be easy. It will be worth it. Your happiness is worth more than staying in in a relationship that isn’t good for your soul.

★ Read books about happiness. Watch inspiring stories/videos/movies/shows about happiness. Sourround yourself with happiness (it’s infectious).

★ Listen to music. Dance. Let your body get crazy. Always dance around the house in your underwear at least once a week. Make it a ritual.

★ Take care of your body. Get massages, get your nails done. Brush your hair. Do yoga. Exercise. Wear clothes that make you feel amazing. Buy fancy underwear and wear them all the time.

★ Take care of your soul. Meditate, visualize, have time to rest and think (make “thinking time” a daily must-do activity - just 5-15 minutes a day is good!). Find pockets of quiet time and embrace them.

Every day if a gift.

Every breath is a gift.

Every second you’re alive is a gift.

The more you sit around feeling sorry for yourself, the more you allow others to dictate your emotions, the more you wallow in self-pity, and fear, and hatred, and ALL of those negative thoughts, the more happiness you’re stealing from yourself.

Stop stealing your happiness.

Give yourself permission to be happy all of the time. And then sit back, allow, and receive!