Every time you say no to something you feel deep in your soul is actually meant to be a yes, you’re pushing away what you want, further and further.
Eventually, it will be so damn far away that you can’t even see it anymore. You start to forget what it is you actually wanted.
And you’ll continue to live your life going through the motions, always pushing away your desires (unknowingly, but it’s happening).
The next thing you know, you’re on your death bed and you’re wondering what the fuck you even did with your life.
You’re wishing you took more risks.
You’re wishing you actually listened to your soul and took action on the things that felt SO right (even though they also felt so scary).
You’re wishing you had done more, said more, experienced more.
And you will die, not necessarily unhappy, but not completely fulfilled. And wouldn’t that just be a tragedy?
I can’t think of anything worse than being on my death bed, knowing I could have done/seen/said/
When it’s my time to go, I want to know that I lived my life to the fullest and I did all that I could to make my dreams a reality.
In truth, there’s not a doubt in my mind that I’ll accomplish all that I desire. I REFUSE to settle for less than I want.
But I’d be lying if I said there weren’t times when I just wanted to take the easy road… because the one I’m on is full of potholes and sprinting deer that I have to watch for, and swerve around.
Trusting your gut is hard AF sometimes.
Because it’s scary. Because you’re jumping into the unknown. Because you don’t have a damn clue whether or not it will work out the way you want it to.
But you do it, because you know it’s what you’re being called to do.
It’s funny because much of the time, when I take some kind of risk and do something scary, I do it because I believe it’s gonna help me accomplish somethng I want to accomplish (and also I just feel in my gut it’s my right next step) –
But it almost never works out that way.
Usually it will lead me to the next perfect thing.
Many times, the thing I expect will help me to accomplish/achieve something, is not the thing, but a gateway to the thing.
Had I not done IT, it would not have lead me to the thing that WAS going to help me, and therefor, I wouldn’t end up accomplishing/achieving the thing I want.
On the outside, it looks like I fail a lot, but those “failures” are what lead me to succeeding.
The failures are just stepping stones.
No matter what you believe you’ve “failed” at, just know that they cannot be failures unless you completely give up when they happen.
But if you keep going, if you keep believing, if you keep taking action –
Then those failures (or what you deem as failures in your mind) are just stepping stones to getting what you want.
I ENCOURAGE you to fail more, because through the act of things not working, you’re able to tap into your creative resources to discover what DOES work.
(And remember, also, that what works for someone else, may not work for you. Find YOUR way.)
Have you ever met a successful person who HASN’T failed?
If not, then either they’re a liar, or they’re not as successful as you think.
No matter what you’re going through, or how hard things seem, know that things can look completely different tomorrow, or even an hour from now!
Just choose. Decide that you are not going to let obstacles stop you.
Take action no matter how scared you are.
Say YES to your soul desires, no matter how out of reach they may seem.
Today could be the day when everything starts working in your favor - but how would you know if you were constantly blocking yourself from going after what you want, with everything you have?
Just a thought.
Happy Saturday.
Cheering for you,
- Cassie