It really doesn’t matter how much or how little you charge for something.
That includes 1:1 mentoring, group programs, membership sites, done-for-you services, DIY courses, speaking engagements, in-person events –
The price you charge for your work is IRRELEVENT.
What people are buying is YOU. And if they buy something you’re selling, it’s not the program or the offer that they bought, it’s YOU.
They bought into who you are.
They resonate with you, your message, your vibe. So the price means absolutely NOTHING.
You could charge $25 for a call with you and someone will pay it. You could also charge $500 for a call with you and someone will pay it.
I currently charge $1,000 and up for a 1:1 single call with me and people pay it regularly. Because they’ve already bought me, so they don’t CARE what the damn price is. They want ME and will pay whatever I charge to get me.
You can sell anything at any price you want. And it WILL sell. People WILL buy.
But only if they’ve already bought YOU.
So the next step is this:
Show up and show yourself off!
Tell us your story
Tell us what you’ve been through
Tell us what you desire
Tell us what you believe
Tell us what you stand for
Tell us what you’re AGAINST
Tell us what pisses you off
Tell us what excites you and lights you up
Tell us how you run the day
Tell us how you eat, how you sleep, how you work, how you play
And if you’re interesting, and we resonate, we’re gonna fall head over heels in love with you and we will throw our credit card at you every time you launch something new.
Because we just wanna be near ya and be apart of everything you do.