6 Ways To Create Content That Sells

6 Ways To Create Content That Sells

There are a lot of things that people ask me, but I’d say that the most common question I get is something along the lines of “how do you know what to write everyday?”…

So I’m gonna break it down for ya, mmkay?

Because this stuff is A LOT easier than you’re making it out to be!

How many times do you sit in front of your laptop, ready to create content (’cause ya know you’ve gotta create on the daily), and you just sit there staring at the screen without a clue about what to write?

Or how many times have you done a livestream or shot a video and just ended up rambling most of the time?

A lot, right?

You’re not alone! Most people don’t have a clue - I’m in the same situation sometimes and YES, it’s frustrating. YES, it’s a lot easier to just close the laptop, walk away, and say to ourselves “I’m just not feeling inspired right now - I’ll create something when I’m inspired”…

And let me guess –

You go to bed that night having not created ANYTHING.


I thought so. You can’t fool me. 😉

So let’s go through this together. Get ‘yo notebook ready!

1️⃣ Consistency is a requirement, get used to it!

You MUST, I mean absolutely MUST get into the daily discipline of creating on the daily.

(And when I say daily, I really do mean DAILY.)

Creating content is something that becomes easier the more you do it.

Wanna know how to improve your content creation skills? CREATE MORE!

Wanna know how to improve your sales skills? 

Come on now - you can stop over-complicating it. 😉

There will be many times that you don’t know what to create or say or record or upload.

You will be very tempted to tell yourself that you’ll just do it later, after you’ve somehow been inspired during the day, but we both know that ain’t gonna happen, sister. DON’T EVEN with me!

Commit to creating every day.

For me, that’s writing. I also do a lot of audio content as well as my podcast. I do videos and livestreams when I feel like it. Writing is my core focus, as it’s the most high-vibe and fun for me.

So every day, I sit my ass down and I write.

Sometimes it’s shit and makes no sense (to me). I post it anyway, and it’s often my post engaged piece of content of the week. Ha!

Other times I am in the flow zone and it’s just pouring out of me and I feel as though I don’t even have to TRY, it’s just DONE and easy. Those are the good times, and I have them often, but not every day.

The point is –

Commit to daily content creation. The more consistent you are with it, the more you will grow your community, the more engagement you will receive, and the more money you will make. #FACT

2️⃣ Add a CTA to your free content 90% of the time.

This one will ruffle some feathers, I’m sure! LOL

But those who don’t GET this, who don’t LIKE this, who don’t AGREE with this, well, I guess they just aren’t like US and they can continue on their merry way.

The thing is –

And I already said this in point 1, but I’ll say it again –

The more you sell, the more money you make.

Again, because if you REALLY wanna make money from a place of “but OF COURSE there’s daily payments hitting my account and OF COURSE people are messaging me asking how to pay me and OF COURSE I am always in consistent overflow with money” –

Then you REALLY need to let this one sink in:


So long as you’re selling from a place of alignment, and selling the stuff that you can’t NOT, because it’s just so YOU, so HELL YES, so EXCITING.

Got it? Fuck, I hope so. 🙂

So here’s what ya do –

You add a call-to-action to 90% of your free content. The other 10% can be free of any CTAs, but for a good 90% of your content, add that CTA!

When you’re giving great value, people WANT to know what the next step is. Don’t leave ’em hanging –

Tell people what you want them to do: Click a link? Buy something? Message you? Share your post? Join your FB group? Opt in to your list? Enroll in your program?

Make it clear. Make it easy. And make it so they can’t not!

3️⃣ Sell the outcome, not the product/service.

If you REALLY wanna up-level your content and start to see an ABUNDANCE of sales and money come through because of it, you need to make it clear what people are getting when they buy.

No, not the STUFF they’re getting. They don’t really care about that.

What they really wanna know is this –

“How is this going to make my life better?”

That’s the question you need to answer in all of your content, whenever you’re selling something.

People don’t buy your product or join your program or purchase your course, they buy the result that that product/program/course will give them.

For example, let’s say you have a course on supplements {which ones to buy, how to use them, etc.}. Your potential customers/clients don’t care about how many worksheets or live trainings are included.

They don’t care about whether or not you have a fancy sales page.

They don’t care about if the group coaching calls will be 30 minutes or 60 minutes.

They care about the RESULT/OUTCOME of taking the right supplements in the right way.

More energy?
Decreased anxiety?
Higher libido?
Weight loss?
Happier mood?

THOSE ARE THE THINGS YOU SELL in your content. Those results/benefits. That’s what people are ACTUALLY interested in.

4️⃣ Be a STORYTELLER, not a MARKETER and you will make a fuck ton of money.

Most people write copy with the intention of selling, and there’s nothing wrong with that necessarily, except for the fact that because the MONEY is their core focus, they tend to sell from a place of “what do I need to say to get people to buy” –

And that just OOZES desperation, which will get cha NO DANG MONEY. Desperation vibes = no sales. And you can smell desperation vibes from a mile away!

Instead, you need to learn how to be a storyteller instead of a marketer.

A marketer sells with the intention of writing/creating to get money.

A storyteller sells because she has a story to tell.

If there’s one skill you practice over and over until you master it, it should be storytelling. It’s the number 1 way to sell anything. 😉

She who tells more stories makes more money! #truthnugget

Before you create content of any type, first ask yourself “how can I turn this into an exciting story that people will enjoy?”. Create from THAT head space.

Storytelling is the secret to massive cash & sales that skyrocket.

5️⃣ Solve their problems and they will buy WHATEVA YOU BE SELLIN’!

People have problems. People are annoyed by their problems. People want their problems to go anyway.

So if you have a SOLUTION to make their problems disappear, then it doesn’t matter what you’re selling or at what price point you’re sellin’ it - they will throw their credit card at you faster than you can say GO!

I recommend doing this with both your free content AND your paid content. Problem-solving shouldn’t just be for paid content - you should also give away your knowledge for free (kinda like what I’m doing with this here lil’ post!).

Side note: When you give away a ton of FREE valuable content consistently, the feeling of reciprocity kicks in in most people and they want to “pay you back” in some way - which often results in them buying from you. The more you give, the more you get. <— Biggest wealth explosion tip I’ve ever learned.

Show people that you’re knowledgeable and that you can help them. Give away your best content for FREE. Show people that you are an expert and that you can guide them.

Single tips
How-to posts/videos
Live trainigns & workshops (free!)
1:1 conversations

The more you share, the more money you will receive.

Reminder: YOU CANNOT GIVE AWAY “TOO MUCH” FOR FREE. That’s not a thing. Stop believing it.

Give, give, and give some more! (Just make sure you’re adding a CTA for a paid offering with 90% of your content. 😉 )

6️⃣ Switch it up - keep things INTERESTING, and new & exciting!

There are some people who prefer to read content.

There are some people who prefer to listen to audio content.

There are some people who prefer watching videos.

There are some people who prefer in-person trainings.

In order to reach more people with your content, you need to offer that content in a variety of formats.

The more formats you have available, the more people will consume your content. And remember, the more people that consume your content, the more your content will sell and you’ll increase your REVENUE!

Personally, I like to read content. I don’t like to listen to it, I don’t like to watch it (I hate videos, unless it’s a tutorial showing me how to do something!).

So if I stumble across someone who only creates video content, I won’t evd up consuming their content at all because it’s not in a format that I enjoy learning in.

The same is true for your audience.

Some will like audio over written. Some will like visual over audio. Some will like written over in-person. Some will like in-person over everything else!

Think about how you can incorporate more content formats into your marketing and start getting that into place TODAY.