Just admit it, you’re afraid to ask for what you want!

Just admit it, you’re afraid to ask for what you want!

It’s so clear to me and everyone around you that right now, you’re ACTING tough, but you’re the furthest thing from it. 

You’re running scared and you fucking KNOW IT, you just won’t allow yourself to admit it because then you’d have to admit it, right?

Because what I can see – 

Based on what you’re posting all over Facebook, what I’ve heard you say to me and others, on the decisions you’ve been making lately – 

Is that you actually want more than what you have, but you’re too damn SCARED to actually ask for it because you’re terrified that you might not get it, instead of using that fear as FUEL to your fire..

Or that you’ll seem materialistic…

Or that you will appear “crazy”…

Or that you WILL get it and it will make your life WORSE somehow (say whaaaat?)…

Or that others will judge you…

So you sit there and you play it safe, and you SAY you’re going all in, you SAY you’re going after what you want, and you may even BELIEVE that you are (and that’s really the sad part), but if you stop for just one second.. 

And you REALLY think about it…. are you? Going after what you truly want, I mean? Are you really doing EVERYTHING you can to help you get it?

Or are you just SAYING that you want it, thinking about it, journaling on it, telling others about it, maybe even deep inside of you BELIEVING that it’s already yours… but then actually DOING the bare minimum to get it?

Because here’s what I can see, and what I promise you that other people can see, too: 

You’re half-assing it. 
You’re not even CLOSE to acting like the badass boss you are.
You’re scared shitless.
You’re afraid. SO afraid.
You’re TRYING, but not actually DOING.

To us, it’s like you’re putting on a show. Trying to get us to believe your story, to believe you’ve got your shit together, that you SHOULD be admired and looked up to as an inspiration..

Except we don’t believe you for even one second. 

Because as much as you may be fooling yourself, you ain’t fooling us! 

We can see right through that bullshit, it’s embarassing, please stop! It’s time for you to get through that shit. No more pretending. No more crossing your fingers and hoping things work out the way you want them to, without you having to do things that aren’t in your comfort zone.

Success is simple. It’s a combination of 4 magical ingredients:

  1. Fear and/or discomfort (temporary, usually only in the beginning)
  2. Belief
  3. Action
  4. Persistence

Not just today. Not just this week. But EVERY SINGLE DAY UNTIL THE DAY YOU DIE.

You must get used to feeling fear and uncertainty. It’s a sign that you’re growing! Taking risks is a HUGE part of success. 

So answer me this: 

How are you feeling right now? 

Do you feel comfortable? You do, don’t you? You feel comfortable. Like you can do this on your own. Like you’ve got this covered. Like it’s pretty freakin’ easy. Like you don’t NEED help right now.

If you feel that way, IT’S TIME TO SHAKE SHIT UP.

The second you start to feel comfortable, you’re on the decline. The second you start to feel comfortable, you must do something DRASTIC to change things and bring a little bit of fear and uncertainty into your life.


Because that fear and uncertainty is fresh & new and it’s something that makes you work harder (because you don’t want to fail). 


As if I really have to say this – 

The harder you work, the better off you will be. The more money you will make, the more people you will help, the more success you will have.

The fear of failure is the single most motivating fear you can have. When you’re terrified to fail, you will do practically anything necessary to NOT fail.

And when you’re comfortable, it’s near impossible to feel that fear. So you don’t work as hard, meaning you don’t achieve as much. 

Now, I’m not saying you should be scared all of the time (quite the opposite, actually), but instead, that you should DO THINGS that scare you so that you feel that hit of fear, and take immediate action to prevent your fear from becoming your reality. 

Then it’s just a matter of being consistent with that action-taking. 🙂 

So drop a load of cash on a mentor that’s going to help you skyrocket your biz. What the fuck are you waiting for? WHY THE HELL would you want to do that on your own and take WAY longer to smash those big income goals?

Seems irresponsible to me. And stupid. And like you’re scared to ask for what you really want, so you’re just gonna keep things going the way they are and play it safe. 

Okay then. Have fun with that! 

GO AHEAD AND BE SCARED. It’ll do ya good. 🙂

Go ahead and start that business
Go ahead and invest in those Facebook ads
Go ahead and hire that assistant
Go ahead and ramp up those income goals
Go ahead and start that new workout routine
Go ahead and change that diet
Go ahead and fire that loser
Go ahead and buy that home

Just stop pussy-ing around with it all.

Stop saying you want, want, want, want, want SOOOOO badly to _________, but then continue to do the same shit you’ve been doing for months that hasn’t been working thus far, hoping maybe it will just miraculously improve. 

It won’t.

And a few months from now, you’ll be wishing you took that step sooner. That you made that investment and took that leap when you first read that post from Cassie telling you to do so. (This one!) 😉 

Don’t come to me crying that nothing is working for you when you know that YOU are the one who’s scared to just fucking ASK & ACT. 

Step 1: Ask yourself what you want. Clearly define it.
Step 2: Ask OTHERS for what you want. Relentlessly.
Step 3: Act from alignment every day to make what you want yours.

Ready for more? Then start damn well acting like it!

No more sitting on the sidelines. It’s your time to shine!