I Dropped Out Of School In The Middle Of 10th Grade 

I Dropped Out Of School In The Middle Of 10th Grade 

My mom had to come to the school to sign a paper saying I could drop out - apparently you can’t drop out on your own unless you’re 16 or older. School always felt like a prison to me.  Being forced to learn about a bunch of shit I’d never use.  What the fuck do I care about geometry? Oh you’re gonna teach me how to play basketball in gym class? Build a wooden bird house in the shop room? Cool, thanks. Never gonna use any of that.  I have no desire to be an architect, or a carpenter, and my short AF self sure as shit ain’t gonna be a basketball star. So nah, hard pass.  Quit school, went to work at a coffee shop to make money.  Making money has always been my passion - been a hustler since I was a kid having daily yard sales in the summer.  But it’s never been about the money on its own for me. It’s been about the freedom. The freedom to say “no” when I want to say no.  The freedom to say “yes” when I want to say yes.  Having so much money that I could be, do, have and experience ANYTHING that I wanted to. I worked at the coffee shop for years, eventually getting to the point where I would run the whole damn place on the overnight shift, serving the drunks that came in for a coffee after hours at the bar next door. After being treated like shit from enough people (seriously, who do you think you are coming at me for the...
The Day I Quit My Job To Work For Myself Online

The Day I Quit My Job To Work For Myself Online

My manager said to me “you know that doesn’t usually work out, right?”, because she needed me and didn’t want me to quit. I felt an instant shot of adrenaline run through me as I said “it will for me” and put in my 2 weeks notice. This wasn’t the first time people doubted my abilities to “make it” as an entrepreneur running the show.  I’ve had countless family members and “friends” try to convince me to get a regular job because it was “safer” (HA!). But this was what started it all for me.  Being in the back room of that coffee shop, stinking of coffee beans and sugar (from all the donuts I glazed for the baker who never showed up on time), tired of working my ass off for minimum wage. I was so ready to move on up. I was ready to leap. And that was my moment - and I haven’t looked back since! I’ve since been an adult model, photographer, baker, blogger, and now, a mentor & strategist for entrepreneurs (by far my fave gig EVER), as well as running a tea business (love of my life). It’s been SUCH a crazy ride, and I wouldn’t change a damn thing about it. If you’re in a place right now where you feel overwhelmed, stressed, and like you’re working for peanuts, here’s what I want you to know: You can do this. You have what it takes. You are WORTHY of having a life that you adore. All you need to do is believe in yourself, surround yourself with people who are further along...
What If You Just Decided It Was Gonna Be Easy? 

What If You Just Decided It Was Gonna Be Easy? 

I think it’s pretty obvious that you’re making things way harder than they have to be. You know that, right? Things probably FEEL tough right now You probably FEEL like it’s so hard It’s also probably true that you FEEL scared Or overwhelmed Or unsure Or confused Or annoyed Or frustrated Or… OR! How about this instead – How about you just choose to not be any of those things or feel any of those feelings? What if you just decided it was gonna be EASY instead? What if you made a conscious decision that from here on out, whatever you choose to do – It’s going to be SO freakin’ EASY? Would that make you feel better? Do you think that would make you more productive? Do you think you’d get more done if the work felt easy? Do you think you’d make more money if making money felt easy? Have you ever wondered – “How does she/he do it? They make it seem so easy!” Probably once or twice, right? 😉 Well, have you ever considered that maybe they make it seem so easy because it IS actually easy for them? And if it’s easy for them, it can be easy for you, too! I think the most frustrating I see and hear every day is THE STRUGGLE. “It’s too hard” “It’s not working” “It’s taking too long” I read posts, I read emails, I have private conversations – All which often include me being asked “how do you do it all?” or “how is it so easy for you?” – To which my answer is always:...
I Used To Be A Coupon Clipper, Now I Do Things Like This

I Used To Be A Coupon Clipper, Now I Do Things Like This

I have a landscaper that cuts our grass, and trims our bushes & trees every week. I have groceries delivered weekly - most of them being organic (something I used to believe I couldn’t ever afford). Someone comes to my house twice per year to change the tires on my car (winters to all-seasons, and all-seasons to winters). I also have a company come to the house to clean my car (inside and out), every few months (sometimes more often). Our house is cleaned 3 times per week, every week. (Not currently during the pandemic.) When I travel more than 5 hours, I fly business class. I sit up front with all of the old dudes (usually those are the only people in business class.) We live in one of the most prestigious neighbourhoods in all of Toronto. Our neighbours are doctors, lawyers, entrepreneurs, high-end realtors, and dentists. I pay for my parents to travel with us and don’t flinch at the added expense. We often spend multiple weeks in Muskoka every summer (Muskoka is to Toronto what The Hamptons is to New York). I drive cars that I used to think only the super rich got to drive. I buy myself - for the most part - whatever I want, whenever I want it, and rarely need to look at the price tag. Coming from a background of lack and scarcity (and mounds and mounds of debt), it was a difficult transition for me. At first I felt guilty for making so much money, and for how easy it became for me to do & have what I...
5 Things I’ve Learned About Making Money Online

5 Things I’ve Learned About Making Money Online

 I’m a forever student who loves to learn. Over the past 5+ years, I’ve learned so much about business I could write a book about it (oh wait… I did). Truthfully, I believe that anyone can start a business. But I don’t believe that most people can run a profitable one. It took me multiple companies and multiple years (over 15 at this point) until I finally learned how to successfully run a company that is profitable (meaning it leaves money in my pocket at the end of the day). Here’s what I’ve learned: 1️⃣ Relationships are key. If you don’t have strong relationships, your business will fail. Guaranteed. Businesses are built off the backs of strong relationships. Relationships with your audience are key. Relationships with your team / employees / contractors are key. Relationships with your clients & customers are key. Relationships with your network are key. Cultivate strong, positive relationships with these people and you’ll find that your business runs better, makes more money, and gets better results for you and your customers. 2️⃣ Pay yourself first. You are the most important asset in your business. If you’re not taken care of, the whole business falls apart. This is why it’s critical that you pay yourself before you pay anyone else. I recommend paying yourself every week, or on certain days of the month. Even if it’s just a small amount to start - get consistent. Don’t pay a single bill or expense until you pay yourself. 3️⃣ Consistent, daily value pays off. Make it a habit to give consistent daily value to your audience every single...