How To Take Charge Of Your Income And Finally Start Making Consistent Multiple 6-Figures In Your Business

How To Take Charge Of Your Income And Finally Start Making Consistent Multiple 6-Figures In Your Business

(Warning: This post is over 3,000 words of badassery. I just had to share this stuff with you today. It’s everything I know to be true about making money online in a big way.) I used to spend my days reading the blogs of women I found interesting. I was inspired by what they had achieved and wanted to be around them all the time, to soak up that success energy, even just online. Most of these women never knew me. I rarely commented on other blogs, I’ve always been the lurker who just kind of peeks over your shoulder and checks out what you’re doing. If it seems interesting, I’ll try it, too. There were many times I felt inadequate. I’d mutter statements like “it must be nice” and “I wish!” when they’d share stuff that they’d accomplished or received. I doubted my own ability to also have what they had. I didn’t see it as possible, and so, it never was. In truth, I was jealous. It wasn’t fair! I worked hard, I spent hours a day working on my business, helping others, doing my thing, and I wasn’t getting the same kind of results that they were! Their stuff wasn’t even good! Judgement came over me like a bat outta hell and I was livid. I hated everyone. I’d make a disgusted face and groan to myself whenever I saw someone that was successful. I didn’t realize it at the time, but what I was doing, was actually pushing success farther and farther away from me. It was never going to happen for me if I...
My Secret To Making $1 Million Dollars In Less Than 3 Years

My Secret To Making $1 Million Dollars In Less Than 3 Years

Here’s the thing – I didn’t make a million buckaroos with a fancy website or by spending money on Facebook ads. What I did? Was show up EVERY FREAKIN’ DAY, give massive value, and share my gifts with the world. It ain’t sexy, but consistency is what it takes. Whether you wanna make a million dollars or 100 million dollars. No matter the amount, consistency needs to be a part of your strategy. 🙌 Consistently showing up every day and creating valuable content to share with your audience. Consistently selling your products & services to those who need them most. Consistently engaging with your tribe and starting conversations with them (people buy from people!). There were many times I could have not been consistent - days when I was really tired, when my kids were sick, when I was sick, when I had family emergencies, when I was travelling - many times I could have said “just one day away won’t hurt!”, except, it would have hurt. Consistency is EVERYTHING when it comes to your success. And I ENJOY showing up for you and providing you with a ton of free value here on FB. I LOVE it. But sometimes, I don’t wanna show up - and I do anyway, because I know that consistency is the key to success. Are you consistently showing up every day for your...
The Wild Dance Of Masculine & Feminine Energy

The Wild Dance Of Masculine & Feminine Energy

Sometimes I feel as though there is a part of me that I keep hidden from the world, for I am fearful that I am rejected if I allow her to be fully present. I’m a very open, honest, and vulnerable person. There’s not much I won’t talk about. I talk about the massive debt I accumulated (multiple times) over the years.I talk about how I make money and how much I make.I talk about my depression episodes.I talk about my marriage.I talk about my parenting.I talk about sex.I talk about how I do everything in my business - no secrets I try to keep just for myself.I talk about my body issues.I talk about how I almost committed murder in high school.I talk about my severe anxiety.I talk about my insecurity. I talk about my struggles.I talk about my wins. There’s honestly not a single thing that I can think of that I wouldn’t talk about publicly. But yet still, I feel as though there is a layer of myself I haven’t allowed myself to fully expose. A layer of myself that I kind of forgot was even there. A layer of myself that I fear is TOO real. That people wouldn’t like.That people would most certainly reject.That people would talk badly about. But over the past year, as I’ve been on a very deep, intense journey of personal development and growth, I’ve come to realize this part of me that I’ve been keeping in the dark. And this part of me is strong. She’s ambitious as all hell. She’s got the dirtiest potty mouth you’ve ever heard. But...
How To Shift From Fear & Anxiety, To Trust

How To Shift From Fear & Anxiety, To Trust

Let’s cut right to the chase: Adopting a mindset of fear has been allowing you to stay stuck. It has kept you so focused on lack as opposed to abundance. So more lack is what you’ve been experiencing, hasn’t it? Lack of freedomLack of moneyLack of energy Lack of timeLack of joyLack of clientsLack of fun You must choose to take the action necessary to shift your mindset. But… it’s easier said than done, isn’t it? I know, I used to feel that way, too. I used to get so annoyed with people who told me to “just change your mindset” - it wasn’t that easy! I’d had that same mindset my entire life. It was going to take more than just deciding to change my mindset that would allow me to do so. Of course, you must START with choosing to change your mindset. But that’s just the first step. There are more things that you need to do if you truly want to change your mindset for good. It’s going to require a conscious effort on your part. Firstly, you need to align with trust over fear - meaning you need to make the feeling of trust feel GOOD. And then, it’s a continuted re-aligning with trust when you slip back into fear (which will happen from time to time) – In addition to that constant re-alignment, you’re probably looking for some practical actions to take that will help you to really solidify that trust inside of you, right? I got you. Here’s what I do – >>> Read a book / listen to a podcast / watch...
Why Do You Continue To Settle For “Good Enough”?

Why Do You Continue To Settle For “Good Enough”?

I’ve worked with hundreds of clients over the past 4 years, and one thing I’ve noticed is that the ones who go on to be incredibly successful, earning MILLIONS OF DOLLARS each year doing what they love - have something in common: They don’t settle for “good enough”. This is how I’ve always lived my life, and it’s something that is incredibly important to me. I don’t believe we were put on Earth just to live a “good enough” life. To just make ends meet. To just barely get by. I believe we were born (all of us) to live an EXTRAORDINARY life. Whatever that looks like to you. To me - it means complete and total freedom (financially, and otherwise), and living from a place of JOY every day. My conviction around this is so strong that I have RULES for my client relationships. If you work with me, I have 3 rules: 1. You must work as hard as I do, or harder. 2. You must be willing to show up every day and go all the way in on your dreams. 3. You must have a burning desire to serve others with your gifts and talents. If you aren’t willing to follow any of these rules, we’re not going to any use to each other. I DEMAND excellence from my clients. I expect you to show up every day and give it everything you’ve got - and then some. There are a lot of coaches out there who will tell you that you can be successful without the hustle - without working hard - and they’re...