by Cassie Howard | Jun 24, 2019 | Miscellaneous |
You’ve always known you were gonna be successful, have what you want, live the life.It’s been clear since you were a lil’ youngin’ that you were gonna do something big in the world, right?How?Who knows, but it has always been clear that win at life is exactly what you’d do.You could, and still can, see it vividly –The money, the freedom, the support, the creativity, the luxury, the convenience –The travel to beautiful places, and then coming back to your favorite place - home.It’s always been CERTAIN in your mind that you were born to win.So why, then, are you being so fucking lazy. It’s appaling? It’s a DISGRACE. It’s a slap in the damn FACE (yours!).You’re waitingContemplating“Thinking about it”You’re perfectingGetting ready until things are just soDelayingYou’re second-guessingYou’re over-thinkingYou’re puttin’ on the BREAKSAnd then you have the audacity to complain that you’re not quite THERE yet? Give me a break!Here’s something you should know:YOU’VE GOTTA WEEEEERK, GIRL!It can be easy, it can be fun, but the time? You’ve gotta put it in. Plain and simple. There’s no gettin’ around it.Another thing you should know:THERE IS NO “RIGHT” TIME.It’s never the “right” time to start. Never the right time to launch.Never the right time to raise your prices.Never the right time to write that book.Never the right time to sell.Never the right time to post on Facebook.Or send an email.Or do a livestream.There is never a right time to do anything - except now. The time is always now. Your life is happening right now… what the fuck are you waiting for?One more thing you should know:YOU’RE DYING.You’re one more day...
by Cassie Howard | Jun 24, 2019 | Miscellaneous |
If you could dig into the brain of the person you are inspired by the most and could pull out all of their essence and transfer it into you – All of their knowledge – All of their enthusiam – All of their confidence –All of their zest for life – All of their beliefs – If it could be yours, right now, today – How would you feel?Good news! You can do this. You can do this NOW.You can have the knowledge (hire a mentor, join a program, purchase a course, read a book, go to an event). You can have the enthusism (always - and only - do things that you’re excited about).You can have the confidence (learn, learn, learn some more - the more you learn, the more you know, the more you know, the more confidence you exude… also, do more of the things you feel confident with NOW, even if they have nothing to do with the area you’re trying to be more confident in).You can have the same zest for life (have an exciting vision for your life and spend time working toward that every day).You can have the same beliefs (you get to CHOOSE what you believe, remember?).No more BS excuses about how you can’t not now, not yet, things just aren’t PERFECT yet, you need to get permission first, you need to finish ____ first, blah blah blah - it’s all bullshit. If you want something – If you feel deep down in your soul that it’s meant for you, then you’ve gotta put in the EFFORT to have it. Choose. Decide. Leap. Go ALL in. Not tomorrow, not next week,...
by Cassie Howard | Jun 24, 2019 | Miscellaneous |
Have you ever stopped to think that maybe, just maybe, you’d be further along on your journey to freedom, abundance and joy, if you’d just, well - decided to?Wanting is one thing. Experiencing is another. And sadly, the truth is, that most people don’t get to experience the things they want in their lives. Not because they didn’t have the ability to, or because they were unworthy of experiencing it, or because they didn’t have enough time or money to manifest it into their reality, but because, plain and simple – They didn’t decide. And not just a simple act of deciding either. No. It takes more than that. Deciding is the first step – But there is a missing piece. A piece that is so commonly forgotten about or ignored. And that piece?Is certainty. Certainty in your ability to create the life that you so desire.Certainty that you will, without a doubt, have whatever it is that you want.Certainty that you are capable. That you are worthy. That you are SAFE. I know that you’ve been wanting this for so long now. You look at others (many of whom started their journey at the same time or even AFTER you did) and how their lives have seemed to flourish while yours simply stayed the same. You wonder “why her, not me? what’s wrong with me? what am I doing wrong?” – And you doubt yourself.You doubt your capabilites. You doubt your worth. You aren’t certain. Sure, you may have DECIDED to be wealthy, to be free, to be happy. But you, like many others, weren’t all that confident that it would happen, now were you? You doubted yourself - just a...
by Cassie Howard | Jun 24, 2019 | Miscellaneous |
I sometimes sit and wonder how I got here. It wasn’t that long ago that I would spend days at a time, locked inside my basement office, trying so hard to just “hurry up and finish” getting my work done.I had so much to do. So many tasks to complete. But none, after awhile, that made me happy. In fact, most of what I was doing felt like a damn chore. It was taking away time from other activities I wanted to participate in.It took me away from my family and friends. It took me away from myself, most days.I was work, work, workin’ for the dollar. And the dollar came - many dollars actually. That business did very well for me. But in the end, I couldn’t continue because it felt as though it was sucking the life out of me. Truth be told, I’m not in this for the money. The money is a nice bonus, and of course I’m not against it, but I don’t show up, I don’t write, I don’t create, I don’t grow this business because I want to make MONEY.I do it because, quite frankly, I can’t not. Because it’s work that lights me up, work that fuels me, work that makes me feel ALIVE. Work that doesn’t feel like work in the traditional sense. I no longer work from a home office in my basement. I work from the couch, my backyard, on airplanes, at hotels, in cafes, from my bed.. and my home office (that is no longer in the basement, haha!). And I do it because I WANT TO, not because I think I have to. Your problem,...
by Cassie Howard | Jun 24, 2019 | Miscellaneous |
If you could let go of the idea that this needs to be hard, it will actually start to be EASY. There will be hard MOMENTS, yes. There will be many times when you feel like screaming into your pillow and possibly even pulling your hair out (it’s more tempting than you’d think!). There will be moments when you will question your sanity, wonder why on earth you ever thought this was a good idea. There will be moments that will break you. And there will be many of these moments, yes. That said – They will feel like nothing when you get to then experience the ease. The ease doesn’t just HAPPEN. The ease follows the hurt. Pain first. Pleasure next. Over and over. Until pleasure becomes your baseline and pain becomes something you rarely experience. But this takes practice. This takes YOU, getting up to the plate, over and over, day in and day out, taking the hits and getting RIGHT THE FUCK BACK UP and screaming “IS THAT ALL YOU’VE GOT?!?!”.This doesn’t have to be a long, drawn-out process, like you’ve been making it. It can happen straight away. But first. A decision. To change your reality. A decision. To elevate your normal.If you simply accept that “this is just the way things are” when it comes to your success, your income, your sales, your life, your clients.. anything – That will continue to be your normal.If that’s what you want – For things to stay the same – Cool.But if not? You need to elevate your normal. Decide what is normal for you NOW. If you want more money, ASK for more money. Decide it’s done. Decide it’s normal. If you want to be...