by Cassie Howard | Jun 24, 2019 | Miscellaneous |
This whole selling thang? It ain’t difficult. It’s simply an exchange of energy. They’re giving you money and you’re giving them something in return for that money - information, education, a product, whatever. And getting people to BUY, to say YES, to actually hand over the cash, is JUST as easy as DECIDING to RECEIVE said cash. But it can be EASIER - even moreso than NOW. You just need to know what to DO to get ’em saying YES! (This ain’t about manipulation or CONVINCING anyone to do something that isn’t right or in alignment for them. This is getting the RIGHT people to YES. The people who already ARE a yes, and just need you to remind them.)These are the things that get ’em saying “YES BITCH, TAKE MY MONEY!” on repeat: 1. ExcitementPeople buy what they’re excited about. If you aren’t excited about what you’re selling, we can TELL and then we aren’t excited about it either - which means no money for you.Show us how MOTHERFUCKING PUMPED UP you are about this offer! Tell us that you’re do giddy you’re gonna pee your pants. It makes us wanna pee our pants, too! (Not really, but you get my point.)Excitement is rule #1. Not excited about what you’re selling. Stop selling it. Immediately. And find something that actually excites the shit (erhm… pee?) outta you.2. ExclusivityIf I can get it 10 other places, why would I buy it from you? Other than the fact that it’s from YOU and your peeps wanna buy from you because they love you, why ELSE are they gonna say YES? This could be that it’s special content...
by Cassie Howard | Jun 24, 2019 | Miscellaneous |
It triggers you when you hear other people proudly share how much money they make, doesn’t it?And it triggers you even MORE when those people are your very own clients, or people who got into the industry AFTER you. HOW DARE SHE?! Doesn’t she know I was here first???You WANT to be happy for them - because you know that if someone else has done it, that you can do it, too - but you’re not happy for them.You’re jealous. You recognize this feeling of jealousy right away, and instead of forgiving yourself for it, instead you BERATE yourself for feeling this way - even if only for a few seconds. Deep down, you ARE happy for these people, but at the same time, you just feel badly about yourself. Their success makes you feel less-than, doesn’t it?You feel like maybe you just suck at this stuff. Like maybe you shouldn’t even bother at all. You question why you even started in the first place. You feel as though it should have “worked” by now. You think about all the time you put into this, all the money you’ve invested in mentors + coaching + programs + courses, and you just feel….ASHAMED.You promised your husband it would have happened by now. That you’ve be hanging out on private jets and driving fancy cars and having millions in the bank… You’d be RICH by now! Or so, you thought. But you’re not rich. You’re not hanging out on private jets or driving fancy cars and there certainly aren’t millions in your bank account right now!And as you think about this, you just get angrier and angrier and also – Sadder and...
by Cassie Howard | Jun 24, 2019 | Miscellaneous |
What you need to know:There is no “there”.There is no finish line to cross.You’re never, ever DONE.There is always more to do. More of what? More of the WORK? What kind of work? The work of being YOU, of course. The work of sharing your SOUL with the world. This is never-ending. This will consume you until the day you die. You will never be “finished”. There will always be more to say, more to do, more to create, more to sell, more to share.. It will go on and on and on forever. This is what it takes. This is what is REQUIRED of you. A commitment to the hustle. Now don’t go thinking I’m saying you need to be glued to your laptop all day, every day. That is just a small piece of the “work”. The work - the REAL work that actually matters and gets you RESULTS, is the work of letting your true self OUT.It’s sharing your thoughts.It’s reading books that elevate you. It’s conversations with people who inspire and motivate you. It’s watching movies and documentaries and videos that get you feeling GOOD.It’s writing up and selling it to people. It’s writing in your journal every morning. It’s dreaming and scheming and planning and deciding. It’s writing emails. It’s writing Facebook posts. It’s spending time alone with your thoughts.It’s nourishing your body and mind. The work is the work is the work and you best be DAMN WELL COMMITTED to doing it all day, every day, forever.Don’t run from the work. Don’t try to hide from it. Don’t be afraid of it. The work of being you is your most important job. And it’s what will get you PAID, in a...
by Cassie Howard | Jun 24, 2019 | Miscellaneous |
Over the past 6 months, I’ve slowly started to cut back on the number of 1:1 calls I was doing. Not because I didn’t enjoy them or because I didn’t like my clients, but because I found them completely unnecessary.Oftentimes, what ends up happening, is we have a good chat for maybe 10 minutes or so, and then I feel as though they’re struggling to figure out what to talk about next, and how to fill the next 20 minutes. We got everything accomplished in those first 10 minutes (or less). Sometimes clients would say “I don’t really have anything to ask you today”, yet we’d still sit on the phone for 30 minutes talking, and not really accomplishing much.I want my clients to have rapidfire success. I want them to make a fuckload of money. I want them to change the world with their work. They can’t do that when they’re sitting on the phone (with me, or anyone else), trying to force themselves to ask a question that they don’t really need an answer to at that moment. It was a waste of their time to be on the phone for 30 minutes. We got more accomplished during our daily audio messaging than on phone calls, so I decided –Fuck the calls. They’re gone. 🙂 And since I made that decision, not only has my own productivity skyrocketed (yay for not needing to break my flow because I have a call scheduled in the middle of it!), but something amazing started happening for my clients as well: They made more money. They checked in with me more and got more, on the spot support (instead of...
by Cassie Howard | Jun 24, 2019 | Miscellaneous |
Here’s the thing: People buy from REAL people. Not from people who try to be someone that they’re not. If you want to attract your perfect, soulmate clients, who buy from you on repeat, and who you genuinely ENJOY working with, you need to be you. The real you - raw, and unfiltered. Not much irks me more than when someone is putting on a show - and trust me, EVERYONE CAN TELL when you’re not being your true self and are acting. It’s so obvious. It’s so sad. It’s so maddening. And it’s so unnecessary. In fact, it’s harmful to you, your business, and the people you were put on this earth to help and support - your soulmate clients. No matter what you’re selling, how you’re selling it, or at what cost it’s being sold for – You will ALWAYS attract the right people and you will ALWAYS make sales, if you’re doing these 3 things: 1. Consistently and clearly communicating the value of what you’re selling. You need to TELL (and better yet, SHOW) people the value of what you’re offering them. Make it clear exactly how their life is going to be better once they purchase from/work with you.This needs to be clear in ALL of your sales communications. 2. Believe in yourself and what you’re selling.If you don’t believe in your ability to deliver what you’re promising, or you don’t believe in thething you’re selling, you will not make any money.You MUST believe in both yourself (and your ability to deliver on your promise), plus your offer (and the value of that offer). 3. Be yourself - 100% you, 100% of the time.No faking anything. No saying...