Setting big goals and not achieving them? This is why –

Setting big goals and not achieving them? This is why –

Admit it – 

You’ve been questioning yourself lately. Questioning your decisions, questioning your actions, even questioning the way you FEEL about your decisions and actions! 

You’ve been setting big goals and not achieving them. 


Not because their unattainable, no. But because you haven’t trully allowed yourself to achieve them. Something inside of you is holding you back. And I’m willing to bet it’s that lack of belief in yourself. Isn’t it?

You think that you’re not good enough
That people won’t listen to you 
That you don’t have anything interesting to say
That this is too hard, and what if you fail, and OMG what would you do then?

That feeling of not believing?

It’s not gonna go away no matter what you choose to do with your life. Not until you decide to have other thoughts and feelings instead!

You see, it’s as simple as this  – 

YOU get to decide how your life goes. So why the fuck are you asking other people for approval? Why are you waiting for someone else to give you a pat on the back and say you’re doing great and to keep going? 

Does that really matter? What anyone else thinks? Do you want to make your OWN decisions and live your own life, on YOUR terms?

Do you?

Then step up, do the work, and MAKE IT HAPPEN. Right now. Today. 

There is no tomorrow. There are no second chances. This is your life NOW; no waiting! 

When you think about it, about the life you REALLY want, are you really doing EVERYTHING you can to make that a reality?

Are you doing the inner work?
Are you doing the daily hustle?
Are you sticking with it and going ALL in?

If you’re not where you want to be, I’m willing to bet NO. At least, not in the way you COULD be doing it.

Would you like to get to your dream life FASTER?
Would you like to enjoy the way you spend your days?
Would you like to do what you want, say what you want, and get paid to simply be YOU?

Then why aren’t you acting like it?

Why aren’t you doing the work to make this a reality? And the work, quite frankly, is pretty fucking easy. Commit, show up, insist, create. 

Let me repeat that – 

COMMIT what you will do > SHOW UP consistently > INSIST on what you want > CREATE your dream reality

See how that works? It’s not HARD. It just takes a strong woman to do it, because the road is bumpy and painful sometimes, but hard? Is one thing this journey is not. How hard can it be to just show up and be YOU? 

I know you want more from your life.
I know you’re not willing to settle. 
I know you’ve got that fire under your ass and are ready to GET IT and make shit happen.
I know you’re gonna do whatever it takes. 

But the real question is – 

Do YOU know? 

Those that make it? The ones that truly DO get to live their dream life? They didn’t just sit around and HOPE things would get better. They decided on what they wanted, they made the commitment to get it, they showed the fuck up and did the work, they insisted on their dreams coming to life and then BOOM FUCKING BOOM –

It happened.

Not by luck. Not by chance. But by going all in, sticking with it, and making it happen, no matter what. 

You KNOW you’ve been taking it easy this year. You KNOW you haven’t been giving it EVERYTHING you’ve got. And you KNOW you can be doing so much more. 


Those big dreams of yours? They WILL happen, just as soon as you make the commitment and do the work you need to do.

Don’t forget – 

You really can be, do and have EVERYTHING you want. Take action now!