Are there strategies involved in creating a great offer? Absolutely. Are there strategies involved in selling that great offer? Yep, there sure are. But the MOST IMPORTANT thing is to stop second-guessing yourself and to just launch that sucker already! It’s not...
Making Money
How I Went From $0 To Over $700,000 In Cash In Less Than 2 Years
I’m not used to making a lot of money. I’m used to scrimping and saving and ALWAYS struggling. I was an extreme couponer for years because I thought this was the only way I’d get ahead. Instead, it left me even more broke, believe it or not. When I...
Why You Can’t Seem To Make More Money
Here’s what’s happening: You’re scared about making money because you have an underlying belief/fear that you will either: A) Lose it all Have to do something you don’t want to do to make it And what that’s doing to you? Is holding you...
I Was Working In The Couponing Industry
Just a couple of years ago, I was working in the couponing/frugal living industry. I had one of the top blogs in Canada, was regularly featured in the media, and was making 6-figures/year posting coupons and great deals for my audience. But I felt… empty....
I Don’t Feel Sorry For You If You Don’t Get Results From The Work You Don’t Do
I’m sorry, but I don’t feel sorry for you if you don’t get results from the consistent work you don’t do. Just because you posted 10x, for a week straight, or every day for a month or two or three – Doesn’t mean you will be finished at the end of all hat. If you...
I Planned To Fail (It Started Out As A Game, And Then This Happened…)
MY CONFESSION – It started out as a game. “Let’s see if this actually works”, I say to myself. This was after discovering the coaching industry and the coaches charging thousands of dollars to work with them. They were helping their clients...
Hiring A Good Mentor Costs Good Money
In my first month as a coach, I made $0. In fact, I was in the hole $6K because I’d spent that on my mentor. By the end of the year, I’d received over $250,000. In my very first year in a brand new business, in an industry where I was a complete unknown....
You Never Know Just How Much You’re Helping Someone
You never know just how much you’re helping someone you never know just how much you’re helping someone You just never know how many people are following, reading, learning, consuming, and growing, from the content that you share every day. It may seem...
How Often You Should Be Selling + My Sales Strategy
Do you want to get paid? Then you’d better get used to selling! I’ve heard from so many people that they don’t want to sell “too much” because they’re afraid their community will think they’re – Too salesy Too pushy Too...
Why You Need To Be Selling More Than 1 Thing At A Time
OMG…. Did I really just say that? Did I really just tell you that you should sell more than one thing at a time? Why yes, yes I did. Want to know why I’m suggesting this? BECAUSE IT WORKS, THAT’S WHY. I know, I know. You’ve been told by many...