
This Is Why Clients Aren’t Hiring You

This Is Why Clients Aren’t Hiring You

Just deleted another email from a company telling me they can help get my product into stores.  I get these emails every week - from PR firms, sales people, distributors - and I delete them all. Not because I’m not interested. Sometimes I am.  But for one very...

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One Way To Ensure Consistent Sales Every Day

One Way To Ensure Consistent Sales Every Day

Something that I hear a lot from my clients, in terms of what they want to achieve in their business, is to be bringing in consistent sales every single day. Waking up, sneaking a peek at your phone, and seeing payment notifications on the screen - EVERY. SINGLE. DAY....

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Every time I open my email I see a new sale!

Every time I open my email I see a new sale!

Let me start this off by saying that I’m not telling you this to brag. I’m telling you this because not long ago, I was right where you are right now:  Scared about making ends meet Upset that I couldn’t have what I wanted Money trickling in, never...

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One of the most frustrating things about the online coaching world (or any online business world, really, not just coaching), is the amount of people telling you what you SHOULD be doing.  And it’s normal to look at those who appear to be mega successful and...

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The stuff that sells (it’s not what you think!)

The stuff that sells (it’s not what you think!)

The month when everyone steps away, takes time off, and relaaaaaaaaaxes for days or weeks at a time. The content is pre-scheduled in Hootsuite and Buffer.  The emails are already written and ready to be sent to their list of eager fans. Celebrating the end of another...

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How often you should be selling and HOW –

How often you should be selling and HOW –

Do you want to get paid for what you know? For who you are? For what you deserve? Then you better get used to selling! I’ve heard from so many people that they don’t want to sell “too much” because they’re afraid their community will...

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